Page 57 of Formula Fling

Lex’s lips quirk and he shakes his head. “I think they want to see how the race finishes before they commit to giving money to Crown Velocity.”

“No pressure on you, huh?” I muse.

Laughing, Lex lifts a shoulder. “All part of the game.” He studies me as I take another sip of the wine, feeling its fortifying effects. “I never anticipated this problem.”

“What problem is that?” I ask.

“You looking so damn good in that dress I’d want to go find a dark, secluded corner and get you naked.”

I choke on my wine, tears springing to my eyes as Lex gently pats me on the back. When I’m able to focus on him again, he’s laughing. “God, I wish I could kiss you right now. Just a tiny one, but I know we can’t.”

Those crazy butterflies awaken again, going extra wonky in my belly, a few fluttering around my heart.

Who knew that the once cocky, arrogant, party-boy Lex Hamilton could be so genuinely open with his feelings?

Who knew a guy like him would look at me the way he is right now?

Certainly not this romance author.



Icollapse ontoPosey’s warm body, my cock still thick inside her, even though I just had the king of all orgasms. How many times over my sexual life have I rolled right off a woman because I was just done with her?

How many times will I lie like this with Posey, inside her, not wanting to move?

I nuzzle into her neck, loving the way her fingertips glide gently back and forth over my lower back. She lets out a contented sigh and the only thing that has me moving is that I don’t want to suffocate her. I roll slowly, taking her with me, one leg locked around hers to keep us joined.

She gasps at the sensation but then settles flush against my body.

We’re silent and it’s comfortable, the electric pulse of the party at the Bahrain World Trade Center already long forgotten. I’m keenly aware that my time with Posey is quickly coming to an end. Sure, we’ve agreed to figure out a way to give this a go, but we’re talking about a long-distance relationship and it’s not settling well with me.

I’ve gone from not ever having a committed relationship nor wanting one to now being put out that I’m stuck with a long-distance relationship. Would it freak Posey out to know that I want her by my side all the time? Because I know it sure freaks me out… this intense new need I have for her, not just physically, but in all ways.

On top of that, starting tomorrow, I’ll be entering race mode and my days will be so jam-packed, I won’t see her except in the evenings like this. While the sex is fucking fantastic, I want more of her this week.

“It’s going to get crazy starting tomorrow,” I say.

“I know,” she whispers almost sadly. “Harley graciously gave me a schedule so I could entertain myself because you’re going to be out-of-pocket most of the time.”

Tomorrow is Wednesday and it’s nothing but nose to the grindstone until those five lights wink out to signify the start of the race. The cars will go through a mandated regulatory inspection and then the engineers will start configuring the cars’ settings to adjust to the demands of this particular track and weather conditions. Adjustments such as suspension settings, wing angles and brake configurations will be made. Ronan and I won’t be involved at this stage, but we will later walk the entire track with the engineers to discuss specific points that could affect our strategy.

Most of our day will be spent in back-to-back media conferences where we’ll be grilled about our season prep and expectations, both those we have on ourselves and what others want. I don’t mind the press duties, but they are my least favorite thing to do during race week.

“Will I be able to watch you on the track?” Posey asks. “It’s on the schedule but I don’t know if I’m welcome there.”

I lift my head to look at her. “Why wouldn’t you be welcome?”

“I don’t want to overstep my bounds with you. You may not want me watching. I know how important your focus is.”

“Trust me, I want you there. I won’t be able to actually talk to you, but I’d love your eyes on me. I know I’ll perform better.”

She beams and snuggles back into me. “Tell me more about what to expect during the practice and qualifying rounds.”

I launch into a teaching session, not only to help her with her romance novel, but because as my girlfriend—yes, I said it—she’ll end up knowing this sport inside and out.

“Practice is pretty straightforward. There are three sessions—two on Friday and one on Saturday morning. Its purpose is to let all the drivers get a feel for the track and use that to change any strategies, fine-tune the car and the like.”