Page 51 of Formula Fling

And for the first time, I realize I might want to fight for it.

“I’ve got to get going,” I say to Ronan, who is moving over to the bikes for a cool-down ride.

“All okay?” he asks.

“Yeah… just something I have to do before dinner tonight.”

“With Posey?” he asks, a teasing grin on his face.

“Yeah… with Posey.”



The countryside slipspast the window of Lex’s sleek Lamborghini, bathed in the warm, fading light of the setting sun. We’re going out for an early dinner as our flight to Bahrain leaves in the morning. I’ll be flying on the chartered jet required to haul the dozens of Crown Velocity personnel that it takes to support a single race. I was shocked to learn there would be upward of seventy people on the plane, including the race and performance engineers, aerodynamics and power unit specialists, strategists, mechanics and pit crew, data analysts, catering, hospitality and PR staff, physiotherapists, trainers and team doctor, as well as a handful of IT professionals. That doesn’t even include the logistics and support crew, along with the garage technicians who accompanied the cargo plane carrying the cars, portable garage and paddock supplies that flew out earlier so that all their stuff could be assembled ahead of time.

It’s absolutely boggling how they transport a mini Crown Velocity headquarters to every race and it takes a small army to make it all work.

Lex and Ronan will be on a private jet with Harley, Spencer and Randall and will arrive before we do. At least I’ll have Maeve as a seatmate to keep me company.

But tonight is about relaxing during my last night in the UK and I’m just so grateful that Lex wants to spend it with me. He’s taking me to a small restaurant nearby known for its eclecticfood but private atmosphere. “No paparazzi,” he assured me. I’ve been looking forward to spending unbothered time together.

I gaze out at the rolling hills, still trying to process everything that happened over the weekend at his parents’ estate. It feels like a dream—a surreal, out-of-body experience. Meeting his family, being welcomed into their world… it wasn’t what I expected.

Confessing my secret to his mother and having her be nothing short of supportive floored me. When we returned to the manor house after our ride, Tori point-blank told Charles what was going on. Lex’s jaw dropped as his dad’s had, but then his mother brushed it off as being “adorable” and “romantic.” Lex winked at me and it wasn’t mentioned again.

“Mum texted me today wanting to know when you could come back for a visit,” Lex says, pulling me from my thoughts. His voice is calm, but there’s something more in his tone. Something vulnerable. “But if you’re leaving straight from Bahrain to go back to the States, I don’t think that’s feasible.”

I sigh wistfully. I’d very much like to go back to Broadway and spend time with the Hamilton family. The loneliness I’ve suffered since my dad died has been unbearable. “I wish I could, but I have to get back to take care of things and really can’t stay on longer.”

Lex nods in understanding. “Yeah… I figured. They really liked you, you know.”

“I liked them too,” I say honestly, turning to look at him. “Your parents are lovely. And your mom… she was so warm. I see where you get it from.”

“Me? Warm?” He laughs, reaching over to put a heavy hand on my thigh. It’s not sexual, just comforting. “You must have me mixed up with someone else.”

“You’re totally nice and warm and even lovable at times. You were just hiding all of that.” Something feels heavy in my heartthough. “I wish you could’ve met my dad. I think he would’ve gotten a real kick out of you.”

“I would’ve loved that,” he says softly. “It would have been fun trying to interpret his made-up metaphors.”

We fall into a comfortable silence, the hum of the car filling the space. But there’s something more hanging between us. It’s not just the weekend or his parents or the fact that his mom told me not to hurt him. It’s something deeper, something unspoken, and it’s been sitting there since the moment we left Broadway.

Eventually, Lex is the one to break the silence. “This weekend didn’t feel like a fling,” he says, his voice quiet, almost hesitant.

My breath catches in my throat, and I turn to look at him. His eyes are focused on the road, but his expression is vulnerable in a way I’ve never seen before.

My heart hammers as I release an admission that scares the crap out of me, because it’s a risk to lay out feelings for something that’s supposed to be temporary. “I know what you mean. It doesn’t feel like what we said it would be.”

He exhales, as if relieved by my response. “I’ve never… had a relationship before,” he says, his voice low. “Not like this. I don’t really know what it’s supposed to feel like.”

I chew on my lip, thinking. “Me neither,” I confess. “I mean, I write about love and romance all the time, but in real life? I don’t think I really know what it is. Not for real.”

Lex doesn’t say anything for a moment, just keeps driving. Then, without warning, he pulls the car over onto a small dirt road and turns off the engine. The sudden quiet is almost deafening, but before I can ask him what’s going on, he reaches into the center console and pulls out a small box wrapped in silver paper with a white bow on top.

“I got you something,” he says, handing it to me.

I blink, confused and a little stunned as I take the box from him. “Lex… what is this?”