I’m utterly wrecked. Three orgasms. Three devastating orgasms and the realization Lex Hamilton, a man who wouldn’t look twice at me under ordinary circumstances, is still twitching inside my body. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone, but for the life of me, I can’t imagine leaving it.
Suddenly, I’m so very tired, not wanting to process the emotions of this event any further. I’m vaguely aware of Lex pulling away, the cool air providing relief for our sweat-soakedbodies. He rolls onto his side, bringing me with him and dragging the corner of the blanket over us.
At this moment, I feel simultaneously untouchable and vulnerable. My heart races as I bask in the aftermath of pure bliss, knowing that nothing will ever compare to this in my new and transformed life. It is the ultimate high, and I am addicted to its euphoria.
Being a driverfor Crown Velocity has its perks, one of which is using the company helicopter. The chopper’s blades thrum steadily above, the noise almost hypnotic as we glide through the air toward Silvercrest Circuit. It’s the premier racing course in England and where Crown Velocity will be racing in July at the Silvercrest Global Prix. The landscape below is a patchwork of green fields and winding roads, but I barely notice it, lost in my thoughts.
Not thoughts of my upcoming track time to test our newest upgrades on the car, but rather about Posey. Last night was… incredible. Everything about it—about her—was perfect. Sure, we agreed that this was just a fling, something fun and temporary, but she’s unlike any woman I’ve ever been with. Something delicious about her gets under my skin, and I really can’t figure it out.
She’s so attractive in all the right ways and I get hard just looking at her mouth and imagining what she did with it last night when we had round two, but honestly… it’s who she is inside that has me so enamored. I’ve heard of the concept of beauty on the inside, though I never gave it any credence. But fuck if I don’t see it with Posey. She fucking shines from the inside out.
I lean back in my seat, trying to shake off the swirling thoughts. I should be focusing on the upcoming test, not replaying every detail of last night. But it’s hard to keep my head in the game when all I can think about is how Posey’s body feltagainst mine, the way she smiled at me afterward like I’d just given her the world.
Ronan sits across from me and I can sense his irritation that I’m not engaging him in conversation. He’s never been one for silence, and right now, my quiet contemplation is clearly getting on his nerves if the expression on his face is anything to go by.
“What’s with you today?” he finally snaps, leaning forward, his eyes narrowing.
I glance at him, then look out the window again, choosing my words carefully. “Just thinking, mate. Got a lot on my mind.”
Ronan’s a friend—a good one by all accounts—but there’s no way I’m telling him what’s really going on with Posey. Not because I’m ashamed, but because I know he wouldn’t understand. The last thing I want is for Posey to become a target for Ronan’s teasing or, worse, his outright disdain because I’m pretty sure he’d disapprove. She’s got enough on her plate without him giving her a hard time, so I keep silent.
Ronan studies me for a moment longer, his frustration evident, but when I don’t elaborate, he huffs in annoyance and moves to another seat. I hold back a smile, knowing that he’ll get over it by the time we land.
I can’t ignore the woman who takes Ronan’s seat though. Harley slides onto the supple leather and her sharp eyes zero in on me. “You’ve been quiet this morning,” she observes, her tone neutral but her expression probing. “Everything all right?”
“Yeah, all good,” I reply, forcing a smile. Harley’s the team principal for a reason—she can read people like a book, and I know she won’t let this go easily.
She leans back slightly, crossing one leg over the other, her gaze never leaving mine. “So, how’s it going with Posey? She’s been shadowing you pretty closely. Must be interesting having someone like her around.”
There it is—the opening for a conversation I’m not sure I want to have. But I can’t just ignore her, especially when she’s so invested in making sure everything runs smoothly this season. I tread carefully, knowing Harley’s sharp enough to pick up on any slips. “She’s… enthusiastic. Really into learning about the sport. I think it’s good for Crown Velocity to have someone like her writing about the team.”
“I’m happy to hear that,” Harley says with a smile. “I can’t wait to see her article. It will be excellent exposure not just for Crown Velocity, but for FI racing.”
My heart pounds because only I know Posey’s secret—that she’s not a journalist at all, but a romance author doing research for her book. I promised to keep it to myself, and I’m not about to break that promise, especially now. I keep my response neutral. “She’s here to do a job, and she’s doing it well. That’s all that matters, right?”
Harley nods her agreement, her expression softening just a bit. “You’ve been very professional lately, Lex. I appreciate that. I see great things for you this year, and I’m glad you’re keeping your head in the game. That’s what you need to win the Driver’s Championship and I’ve no doubt you can do it.”
“Thanks, Harley,” I reply, moved by her words. Harley doesn’t hand out praise unless it’s earned, and it’s one of the things I like best about her. “I’m focused and nothing’s going to change that.”
She gives me a small smile as she stands. “Good. Keep it that way.”
Harley returns to her seat next to Randall Peterman. As the technical director at Crown Velocity, he’s the second-most important person in the hierarchy under Harley. Randall oversees all the technical design aspects of the car and coordinates all the puzzle pieces.
When I’m alone, I let out a tight breath. It was uncomfortable talking to Harley about Posey and keeping her secret. It goes against my loyalty to the team and I’m on such thin ice lately, it could cost me my job.
And yet… I’d never betray Posey, so I’m going to walk the edge with this secret.
I glance out the window again, the test track coming into view in the distance. Silvercrest was built in 1948, designed to capture the essence of traditional British motorsport. It’s known for its long straights and fast corners, making it ideal for both overtaking and testing the limits of a driver’s skill. I know I may be partial because I’m a Brit, but it’s my favorite track to race on and where we’ll test the upgrades today.
The cars will already be there, waiting for us. They were trucked up earlier this morning while Ronan and I spent time in the simulator, knowing we’d be able to take the helicopter to the track. My thoughts turn back to Posey—how she’s driving up with Maeve, probably full of excitement to see me in the actual car today. I can’t wait for her to see me in my element, to feel that adrenaline rush as I push the car to its limits… and knowing that small part of me hopes to impress her.
But I need to get my head straight. I’ve been thinking about her too much, and it’s starting to mess with my focus. As much as I want her to be proud of me, I have to remember that my job—my career—comes first. There’s no room for distractions, no matter how tempting they might be.
The helicopter lands, and we all disembark, the noise of the blades whipping through the air above. The team’s portable garage is already set up, the cars gleaming under the late-morning sun.