“Oh, they’re both fine fellas,” she says brightly. “It’s just Lex is a little more outgoing and willing to do press-related stuff. So he was the natural choice.”
I suppress a laugh since I think Lex got stuck with me because he had to be brought into line and the threat of a negative article was Harley’s power over him. While he hasn’t come out and said it, I think he’s probably on thin ice with this team.
When Maeve doesn’t elaborate further about why Ronan wouldn’t be a good choice, I don’t push the issue. I have my own suspicions but it’s not really all that important. I hopefully won’thave much interaction with Ronan and if I do, at least Lex is trying to make him be nice.
We chat for a while, catching up on the last few days. Maeve is just as delightful as she was the first time we met, and I’m grateful to have her as a friend here. She’s the kind of person who instantly makes you feel like you belong. At one point, she introduces me to a few more members of the team within the marketing department, all of whom are just as welcoming. It’s easy to see why Crown Velocity is so successful—there’s a real sense of camaraderie here.
“Have you spent much time with Harley?” Maeve asks as we stroll past a group of guests.
“I have, actually,” I reply, thinking back to my time with her. “She’s amazing and I don’t know how she manages everything.”
“Right? She’s involved in every aspect of the team, from logistics to sponsor meetings. It’s really inspiring to see her in action. I’m so lucky to work for her.”
“It seems she’s got a lot of respect in the sport, which I assume isn’t easy to come by as a woman.”
Maeve nods. “It definitely helps that she’s raced cars herself. She’s been in the thick of it and understands all the pieces of the puzzle.”
“I noticed there aren’t any females in FI, and I know Harley was an anomaly as a female driver in the States. Is there just no room in the sport for females? I mean… seems to me they can drive just as well as men do.”
“I’ve asked that same question myself and it’s a complicated answer.”
“I’m all ears,” I assure her.
“Well, it’s a combination of a few things. Historically, motorsport has always been seen as a male-dominated field, with old stereotypes suggesting that women weren’t suited for the physical and mental demands of racing. It’s hard onthe body and many think women aren’t physically capable of withstanding the rigors of the sport.”
“Ridiculous,” I scoff. “Harley proved a woman can do it. Female fighter pilots face the same g-forces that drivers do.”
“Oh, for sure,” Maeve says, her curls bouncing with her fierce nod. “But another big factor is how drivers move up through the ranks. Most start in karting at a really young age, but not many young girls have had the same opportunities or support to progress through the junior formulas. And it doesn’t help that motorsport is incredibly expensive, and finding sponsors as a female driver has been much harder, so women just get discouraged from trying.”
“That’s depressing,” I mutter.
“It is, but there’s one female driver in FI2 who’s setting the track on fire. There are rumors that she might get picked up next season by an FI team.”
“Really?” I exclaim, excited about the prospect of a woman in this egocentric field. “What’s her name?”
“Francesca Accardi. Look her up.”
“I will,” I say, making a mental note. I’ve got story ideas swirling through my head now of a female formula driver for my series.
Maeve’s phone dings and she pulls it out of her purse, frowning as she reads the screen. “Sorry… I have to make a call. It seems a press junket for tomorrow is going to be delayed.”
“No worries,” I assure her. After she steps off, I look around for Lex.
I find him still standing with the group skeet shooting and while I intend to check it out, I’m famished. I walk into one of the tents that has tables laden with food and grab a plate.
I’m halfway through the buffet, adding only one of each item that looks appealing, when I sense someone standing very close behind me.
“Enjoying the party?” Ronan asks, his voice smooth but with an undertone that makes me uneasy.
I whirl around, heart racing, and force a polite smile. “It’s lovely. Spencer really knows how to throw an event.”
Ronan steps closer, his eyes flicking over me in a way that makes my skin crawl. “You know, Posey, I’ve been thinking… you’ve been spending a lot of time with Lex and I’m trying to figure out why.”
I blink, taken aback by the unexpected comment. “Excuse me?”
“You’re not like the women he normally shags.”
I don’t know a lot of British slang, but I know that one. “Now wait a minute,” I say, completely incensed. “I’m not shagging Lex and even if I were, it’s none of your damn business.”