Page 26 of Formula Fling


Ireally lovethe Crown Velocity lobby. I love the futuristic feel, especially with the aerodynamic cars looking so impossibly advanced, it’s hard to believe they drive, much less fly like the wind. Lex and Ronan are sitting in chairs directly in front of the trophy case, getting some last-minute adjustments from the makeup artist, and I’m just trying to stay out of the way.

Maeve bounces up to me with a bright smile. She’s got an infectious energy that instantly puts me at ease, and her thick British accent is as cheerful as her demeanor. “Hey there, Posey! How’s it going, love? Settling in all right?”

I smile back, feeling a wave of relief that someone as bubbly as Maeve is here to balance out all the seriousness of these interviews. “I’m doing great, thanks. Just trying to soak it all in.”

“I bet! Crown Velocity’s a lot to absorb. It’s a whole world in itself,” Maeve says, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “And you getting Lex to shadow for a big article. He’s a good one to follow—bit of a bad boy, but he’s got a heart of gold when it counts.”

I grin. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. He’s definitely… something.”

Maeve chuckles, her laugh as warm as the English tea I’ve developed a quick fondness for. “That he is. But if you need anything or want to learn more about the team, just let me know. I’m your girl for getting you in all the right places.”

“That’s very kind. I really appreciate it,” I say. “I’ll definitely take you up on that.”

“Where are you staying, by the by?” Maeve asks, tilting her head curiously.

“I found a place in Woking. I’ll be checking in this afternoon.”

Her face lights up even more, if that’s possible. “Brilliant. I live in Woking too. We’ll have to grab a drink sometime! It’s always good to have a friendly face around.”

“That sounds great. I’d love that,” I say, genuinely pleased. “Are you married?”

She shakes her head, those red curls bouncing. “No. Can’t seem to find a man who can put up with my outgoing ways.” She throws a thumb toward Lex and Ronan. “And race car drivers? They are bad news. You stay away from them.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because they’ll never love anything more than racing, and that’s the truth of it.”

That gives me a lot to consider, especially since I’m writing love stories about race car driving heroes. I guess in this instance, I’ll just have to take creative license.

We exchange numbers, and it’s nice to think I might have a friend here—other than Lex, that is. Maeve is the type of person who instantly makes you feel like you belong, and I’m grateful for that.

The energy in the room shifts as the camera crew gives the final thumbs-up, and Maeve’s professional side kicks in. “Excuse me for a sec, love,” she says, heading over to the influencer who’s about to conduct the interview.

Maeve walks with a confident yet friendly smile, her fiery red curls bouncing with each step. I position myself a few feet away, pretending to scroll through my phone, but really, I’m all ears. It’s fascinating to see how these pre-interview negotiations go down.

The influencer, a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties, holds a tablet, likely containing her notes and questions. She looks up as Maeve approaches.

“Hiya, love! So glad you could make it today,” Maeve begins, extending her hand warmly.

“Thanks for having me,” the influencer replies, shaking Maeve’s hand with a bright smile. Her voice is smooth, practiced—she’s clearly comfortable in this environment.

Maeve gets straight to business, her tone remaining cheerful but taking on a serious edge. “All right, before we get started, just wanted to run through a few quick ground rules to make sure we’re all on the same page, yeah?”

“Of course,” the influencer nods, her expression attentive.

“So, as you know, we’re happy to chat about the upcoming season, the boys’ training routines, their thoughts on the competition—stuff like that is all fair game,” Maeve explains, ticking points off on her fingers. “Feel free to delve into their personal interests too—hobbies, favorite tracks, that sort of thing. We want the fans to get a good sense of who Lex and Ronan are both on and off the track.”

The influencer taps a note into her tablet, nodding along. “Got it. And what about personal life questions? Dating, family?”

Maeve’s smile stays in place, but her eyes sharpen just a touch. “Light personal questions are fine, but we’d prefer to keep it respectful and not too invasive. We want to maintain focus on them as individuals and as drivers, without crossing any privacy lines.”

“Understood,” the influencer agrees easily. “And are there any topics that are completely off-limits?”

“Absolutely,” Maeve says, her tone firming slightly. “We ask that you avoid any detailed questions about the car’s technology and engineering specifics because they won’t answer. As you can imagine, a lot of that information is highly confidential andcompetitive. General questions about how they’re feeling with the car this season are fine, but nothing too technical or probing into our development strategies.”

The influencer smiles. “No worries there. I’m more interested in their perspectives and experiences anyway.”