But I can’t even bring myself to care to continue this happy farce. I’m smiling for the fans, but inside, I’m desperate to find Posey, to make this right. I do my duty, shake my bottle and spray it directly at Sebastian for all of two seconds before I drop it to the ground and walk off the stage.
I know that choice in and of itself created a dramatic scene that’ll play out in the press, but they already have the salacious details about Posey. Who the fuck cares what I do?
I ignore people trying to speak to me, making my way through the paddock and to the motorhome I rest in while on the premises. My phone is charging on the dinette table and I practically rip it from the cord so I can call Posey.
The door is thrown open and Harley’s walking in. Her face is hard to read, but I’m not in the mood. “Save it,” I tell her. “I fucked up by keeping this secret—”
“Fuck the secret,” she snaps back at me. “I knew Posey was a romance author and not a journalist from the start.”
Nothing could have shocked me more and my jaw sags as I look at her stupidly.
Harley rubs her temple, clearly staving off a headache. “When I got her request, I recognized her name because I read her books.”
My mouth gapes further than I thought my jaw hinges would ever allow. “You… read… romance?”
She rolls her eyes. “I knew what she was doing and well, I thought it was cute the lengths she was willing to go to so she could learn about FI. I did a phone interview and as you’re well aware, she’s too charming to say no to. So I opened up Crown Velocity and put her with you because she was the perfect person to keep you in line.”
“You set all this up?” I ask in shock. “How could you know that me and Posey…”
“I didn’t know. Not really, but Maeve filled me in after the reporters accosted her before the race. There was no way in hell I was going to tell you what was going on—”
“You should have,” I blurt out angrily. “I could have stopped her.”
“You would have fucked your head for the race and you wouldn’t have won,” she snaps at me. “Get over it. I’m here to tell you that I’ll handle the press fallout on this. I expect you to get your ass on a plane and go find Posey. I assume she went back home as Maeve said she checked out of her hotel, and she also confirmed a handful of flights that left for the States in the last hour.”
None of this makes sense. “You want me to leave? Avoid the media? You don’t want me to help do damage control with the press?”
Harley laughs and it’s not caustic but amused. “You think this is damaging, Lex? It’s a freaking love story that played out in dramatic fashion, although I’m pissed you clocked Ronan.”
“That asshole tipped off the reporters. He’s the only one who knew.”
“Be that as it may, you’ll be fined for that and we’re going to have to figure out some way for the two of you to patch things up because like it or not, he’s your teammate.”
“No way I’m fucking forgiving—”
“I don’t care if you forgive him. I only care that you operate as a good teammate. That means I don’t want you taking your grievances out on the track because if you do, you can find yourself another team.”
I bite my tongue, not willing to agree to anything. I’m still too pissed at Ronan and want to kick his ass too badly.
“Now, I’m going to have my driver take you back to your hotel. You can pack and head to the airport. I’ll have Rosalind ferret out a flight for you.”
I stare at her, astounded at this turn of events. My muteness also amuses her and she inclines her head. “This is where you say,Thank you, Harley, for being the best team principal a driver could have. Not only did I provide you with a stellar car to win the first race of the season, but I’m going to be mainly responsible for you salvaging this relationship with Posey.”
For the first time since I found out Posey left, I smile. “Thank you, Harley, for being the best team principal a driver could have. Not only did you provide me with a stellar car to win the first race of the season, but you’re the one responsible for me salvaging this…”
She cocks an eyebrow. “The next word isrelationship.”
“Love story,” I correct, giving her an impish grin. “You know… since you like romances so much.”
“Got me there,” she mutters and throws a thumb at the door. “Now go.”
I don’t waste another second. I hurry into the bedroom, closing the door so I can change.
I’ve got a woman to race after.