“Well,” she says slowly, her eyes softening, “that explains why Lex has been so smitten.”
I blink, taken aback. “Smitten?”
She laughs, nudging Spree forward a little. “He’s never asked to bring a woman here before and you may not know this, but heand I communicate frequently by phone and text. He mentions you a lot.”
“He does?” I ask.
She nods. “And as for your secret… well, I won’t lie, I’m surprised. But I understand why you did it. But if Lex is good with keeping your secret, then so am I.”
Relief floods through me, and I nod, grateful beyond words. “Thank you.”
She gives me a kind smile. “Just promise me one thing—don’t hurt my son.”
My head jerks back at the request and I pull on the reins a little too tight. My horse scoots sideways before stopping. “I would never. I mean… there’s no reason to. He’s just going to help me learn all the ins and outs of formula racing and then I’m headed back to the States as soon as the Bahrain race is over. We’re just friends.”
Tori stares at me, those same sparkling blue eyes that Lex has. “You’re more than just friends. I don’t know what you are, but given the way my son talks about you, given the fact he is keeping your secret and given the fact he brought you to our home when he’s never done that before, I know there’s more. So please, don’t hurt my son.”
I want to assure Tori that our relationship is casual and can’t even cross into a territory where feelings could be hurt, but that would be a lie. I know I’m already at a point that it’s going to sting when I leave.
So I give her the promise. “I’d never intentionally hurt him. But I am leaving, so I don’t want you to think this is any kind of serious relationship.”
“Mmm,” she says, her disbelief evident and highlighted by the knowing smile on her lips.
The clang ofweights hitting the floor echoes through the gym as Ronan finishes his set of deadlifts, his grin wide with satisfaction as he undoes his belt.
We’ve been at it for an hour, pushing ourselves through a grueling strength workout. It’s the kind meant to hone our bodies to withstand up to six g’s, which means a driver feels six times their normal weight while slinging themselves around high-speed corners. Such stress to the body requires significant physical conditioning and neck strength to withstand the forces. It’s hard for people to understand what that feels like, but I often tell those who ask, it’s comparable to what fighter jet pilots experience during sharp maneuvers.
I’ve been hyperfocused the last week and it’s not lost on me that this turnabout coincided with Posey coming into my life. At first, she was like a seat belt involuntarily clicked into place over my fast-paced lifestyle, but now I view her as more of a calming presence.
In contrast, Ronan acts more like a man who’s just come off a winning streak at a casino, not someone who’s prepping for the first race of the season. He’s got a swagger that borders on dangerous, but even I admit that’s not all bad. There’s a certain level of obnoxious confidence drivers must have out on the track.
Ronan isn’t focused the way I am, wanting to maximize every rep. Instead, he’s kept up an almost annoying stream of chatter.
“Mate, I’m telling you,” Ronan says, wiping the sweat from his brow with a towel, “last night was legendary.” He leansagainst the rack, his eyes gleaming with the usual cockiness. “Met this girl at the club—absolute stunner. Legs for days. Took her back to the hotel, and well, when she took her clothes off—”
I shake my head, laughing under my breath as I tighten my belt to do my last set of deadlifts. “I get the picture. Don’t need the visual.”
“What can I say? Life’s short. Gotta make the most of it.” Ronan smiles smugly, clearly proud of his latest conquest.
“If you say so,” I mutter, moving up to the bar so that it nearly brushes my shins.
Ronan reaches out, lightly punches my bicep. “Come on, Lex, you used to be like me. You lived for those wild nights too.”
I don’t answer right away, instead bending over to grip the bar. I pull eight solid reps and drop the weights to the floor. “Yeah, well, some of us grow up eventually.”
“Grow up?” Ronan echoes, eyebrows rising in mock offense. “You saying I’m a child? Or are you just turning into an old man?”
I grab my water bottle, take a long swig. “Maybe I’m saying it’s time to leave behind the playboy crap. Doesn’t that get old? A different girl every night, no real connection?”
A hard glint enters Ronan’s eyes. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience. What’s with the sudden monk-like attitude? Or could it be… a certain girl?”
The comment hits me harder than I expect, like a jab I didn’t see coming. My pulse quickens, and I take another long sip from my bottle, feeling Ronan’s stare as he waits for my reaction.
“You’re settling down with Posey, aren’t you?” Ronan’s tone is teasing, but there’s an edge of curiosity. “Mate, I never thought I’d see the day. Lex Hamilton, the bad boy of FI, tied down by a girl?”