I was anxious to see what she looked like. I walked through the mansion, and the exquisite décor our mother used was being perfected by the staff. Red and gold accents throughout the large rooms. Floor-to-ceiling ornaments and twinkle lights hanging. Multiple Christmas trees dotted throughout the space, competing for which could reach heaven. She spared no expense and loved to create a Kardashian-like holiday. I wanted to see the dungeon, but that was off-limits, even to us. The only people allowed down there beforehand were the elders. Our rings wouldn’t be activated until ten minutes before midnight. They wanted us to enjoy the festivities.
I wondered what she was wearing. She was upset that Krista couldn’t come down to The Dungeon, but I explained it was only for claimed couples. She understood. I couldn’t wait to make this girl mine. To have her not only physically but emotionally. I was a lucky fucking man.
I headed up to my room to get dressed. First and foremost, I was excited about my induction; the claiming ceremony was a bonus. It had to be different. I didn’t want to claim her on New Year’s like everyone else. I was a Marquez.
I was putting on my black velvet suit when I noticed Ryder standing in the doorway behind me.
“What’s up fucker?”
“Nothing. I just can’t believe you’re going to get your balls chopped,” I laughed.
“They aren’t getting chopped, asshole, and stop acting like you wouldn’t give both your nuts for Krista right now.”
“I guess you’re right,” he admitted with a sly smirk on his face. “The one difference is I've stuck my dick in a pussy before, and you haven’t.”
“Right, but I have been held to a different standard than you as the eldest brother.”
“Thank fuck!” he exclaimed. “I’m just pissed I can’t be there,”
I placed one hand on his shoulder, “I know, little bro, but you know it’s just for claimed couples.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” I’m going to gang bang some bitches with the twins. He began to exit the room when I stopped him.
He paused and turned slightly, looking at me over his shoulder. “Yeah, big brother?”
“Remember that you will claim Krista soon, and think about the fact that she is going to want to feel special. Now, obviously, it’s too late for you to be a virgin, but you are also held to a higher standard than the twins, and more than that. You should hold yourself to a higher standard for your future wife.”
“Alright,” is all he responded with before walking away.
I shook my head, knowing he probably wouldn’t listen, but it was worth a try.
I looked at the clock and decided to head downstairs. It was about to be eleven p.m., and I wanted to get to the part of the night where Britt was my wife.
I was nervous as fuck, I didn’t know why, and I knew with everything I am that I wanted this, but I was sweating bullets here. I pulled my heels out of the box and started to place them on my feet. Krista was getting dressed in the other room; she said she had never felt me this excited before and wanted to give me space to calm down. She was right. I felt like I had enough energy to fight off an army of men. There were just so many unknowns. Will I move there? What would happen to Krista? Was he actually going to do this, was it just a cruel prank, and was he gonna leave me at the altar or give me away and let everyone in the room take a crack at me like a sex pinata?
Realistically, I knew he wouldn’t do that, but that was where my mind was taking me—so many intrusive thoughts. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined myself from head to toe, even making sure my nails were on point. I got a simple French manicure, but my fingernails were stiletto-shaped because I wouldn’t have it any other way. As soon as Alex introduced me to them, I couldn’t do any other shape. My heels were beautiful and fit with my dress perfectly—everything aligned in ways that I wouldn’t have dreamed. As soon as I found the dress, the shoes came, and then the nails and hair all fell into place. This was such a cheesy, meant-to-be thing, but that was okay. I felt like Derek was walking with me into my soft girl healing era, and I was here for it. The dress was off-white, silk. It wasn’t a wedding dress because, aside from the color, it was a classic British dress; it was short and tight-fitted because, hello, body!
I walked into the hallway, and Krista was waiting for me by the living room door. “Ready, sis?”
“I couldn’t be more ready.” This is my happily ever after, one I never thought was even possible.
“Good, let’s go get your man.” We headed down the stairs and into the car that Derek had sent for us. My future was waiting for me.
Chapter 14
Derek had escorts waiting for Krista and me to walk us into the house. He had his induction ceremony tonight. He was becoming the new leader and president of the Knights. There couldn’t be a better man for the job. He was so humble and strong, and he was a great leader. He was a man’s man, a king. My king.
The doorway to his childhood home was grand. There were huge, flocked Christmas trees on each side of the frame and classic gold, red, and green décor framing the door. When you walked into the entryway, it was as if you entered a wonderland; it was definitely a statement. Huge ceilings and twinkling lights shimmered through the entire space like stars in a night sky. The walls were dark, and the colors on the ornaments combined with the lights gave a northern light type of glow that seemed to flow through every space, leading you deeper into Narnia.
Christmas music filled the space, but it was different. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but it definitely wasn’t traditional. There was an underlying darkness to it. It was eleven thirty, and Derek said they should be done with his induction by then. It was a private ceremony that was for Knights only. I texted him that I was here so he would know and come find me. I wouldn’t tell him where I was. He could find me on his own, like always.
We got deeper into the house, and there was a whole other living room type of area that seemed to be a younger crowd; in the previous area, it was older women, very bougie and elegant. Not for me. This area seemed more like a club or a party; Ryder was on stage with a mic, there was a DJ, and I didn’t know how you couldn’t hear this commotion in that other area of the place, but I was sure it was rich people shit. It was unexplainable to those who were lower on the totem pole.