“So I just wanted to call and tell you I was invited to a party there tonight by a guy I’m dating. I’m driving in and wanted to invite you and Cora.”
My heart sinks. “Oh, wow. I’d love to come. I think Cora is busy but I’ll check in when I go home in a couple hours.”
“Okay, cool but you’ll come, right? I’m super duper nervous and I just need some friends there.” The need in her voice is apparent and I know it’s because of our ex. He ruined us for other men.
“Of course, I’ll be there. Is it okay if I bring a friend?”
“Yes, I can’t wait to meet Kohen.” I freeze, wincing at the mention of him. This is embarrassing.
“Oh, we um… We broke up a little while ago. I was going to ask if I can bring my best friend Levi.” I smile faintly and she returns it with an apologetic one of her own.
“Of course. Everyone is welcome, I made sure to ask.”
“Text me when and where and we will be there.”
“Thanks, hun, and if that’s Mr. Man Candy behind you, yum.” She winks and I hitend calllike my life depends on it.
“What’s up, sweetness?” Levi stands behind me with just a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Why would you sneak up behind me looking like a manwhore, Lee?” He snorts out a laugh and I join him. “Put on some clothes for god’s sake. Just because I don’t want to sit on your face doesn’t mean you can walk around with your junk swinging around.”
He takes off the towel and I shut my eyes as fast as I can, thanking god I didn’t see his junk. The damn towel lands on my face, and I throw it off me like it’s a prostitute’s thong because it may as well be. “Gross, Levi! As soon as I can open my eyes I’m going to kick your ass.” Our laughter fills the room and bounces off the walls while Levi puts his clothes on. The zipping of his jeans tells me it’s safe to open my eyes.
“So we’re going to a party? Who was that little hunny?”
I roll my eyes. “That was Crystal Anne. We share an ex, and yes she has a date tonight. It’s at a party here so she asked if we can come for support.”
“Oh, I’ll support her alright,” he says, winking at me.
“Ew, don’t ever wink again. I think we both need to get laid soon. Because I’m having wet dreams about Kohen and you’re acting like a horndog.”
“Why are you having wet dreams about him?” He pulls his favorite Chevy t-shirt over his head and I stare at my hands as I fiddle with the blanket on my lap.
“I don’t know, to be honest. I wish I wasn’t.” Shame washes over me and before I know it, his finger is lifting my chin and forcing me to look at him.
“He doesn’t deserve your dreams, sweetness. He has to earn those.” He pulls away and starts to put his boots on.
“Can we go to my place? I want to see Cora and try to make things right with her.”
“Of course, we can. I would like to see Cora, too.” He smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen and his eyes light up with something I haven’t seen in them before.
“Levi Carter. Don’t you go falling in love with my best friend. She has a trashy douchebag boyfriend anyway and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Well, Alex Monroe, I’m a country boy and we ain’t ever scared to get our hands dirty.” He winks but this time it’s different. Mischievous. I like it.
“Alright, big man, let’s go.” I whip the blankets off me and my best friend opens the door like the gentleman he is. He and Cora would actually make the cutest couple known to man, and she deserves a love like his. I guess I won’t cock block that, I’ll be rooting for it.
Chapter 9
Thisragerisexactlywhat I need. The smoke-filled air fills my chest like a breath of new life, or should I say an old one? Yeah, that’s more like it. I haven’t had a drink in a year, but I’m desperate for one. Desperate for something, anything to numb the pain of missing her. My pretty poison. I can’t remember how many drinks I’ve had up to this point, but I’ve stopped fucking counting. What was supposed to be one drink turned into much more. It really is a slippery slope.
I’ll regret this tomorrow, I’m sure, but today I just need to be numb. She doesn’t give a fuck about me. I made a declaration and that would have made her come running before, but nothing. She gave me nothing but silence. She really has moved on. I grab another shot from the little slut that keeps making her rounds with a tray of them and I swallow it in one gulp. I’m so fucking drunk that it doesn’t even burn anymore.
I make my way into the dark hallway. I just need to close my eyes for a few minutes and get my bearings. I lean against the wall and lay my head back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in.
Like a ton of bricks, I’m hit with the scent of lavender and pear. Alex.