Page 49 of His Daggered Heart

Thedaywentonwith us eating and snacking, and going between watching movies and playing games. It was much needed after last night’s events.

Kohen speaks up first, noticing the sky is getting dark. “So, now that we have had time to unwind, I think there are some things we need to talk about from yesterday.” I tense up and he must notice. “We don’t have to talk about Cora’s situation. But I know you are all wondering why I had some pull last night, and what the hell happened.”

I sit up straighter now but I don’t speak. None of us do so he can continue.

“It’s important that what is said here right now, stays here. It can never leave the four of us. I’m saying it here because I’d like to think that we are going to be family. Even if Cora and Levi didn’t fuck.” He shoots a look at Levi. “We are threaded together somehow, that much I know.”

Levi and Cora nod in agreement as we all continue to stare at him. My heartbeat begins to speed up little by little in anticipation for whatever he is about to unload on us.

“The house we were at last night belongs to the Sons of Knight.” Levi leans forward, a little more tense and alert now but Kohen continues. “My father is an elder. He was expected to produce a son- me- to take his seat when he passes.” He gulps. “I was prepared to do so, but I got too deep, the partying, the drinking… It started to affect a bigger dream my dad had for me.”

“The Olympics,” I say.

“Yes, baby,” he says, looking at me for a brief moment. “I became addicted to that lifestyle, the drinking in particular. I would get drunk off my ass and not remember anything. Complete blackouts. That’s when my dad told me my grandpa was an alcoholic and I needed to open my eyes before I ended up like him.”

My eyes water and I’m not sure why, but I blink the tears away and listen.

“He sent me to a counselor, and she helps me when I feel like I’m about to go off the rails. Alex, I know you didn’t know any of this, but I’m telling you now because I don’t want any secrets or lies between us.”

I nod and give him a small smile to reassure him. I don’t care what kind of issues he’s had, I have plenty too, but it’s us against the world now.

“That’s how I got the reputation of being a player. Girls would say they slept with me, had threesomes, all kinds of shit, and I didn’t remember so I didn’t deny it. When I got sober, my counselor advised me to make amends and many of the girls admitted to lying. They just used it to get popular or some shit, and I don’t fault them for that. I shouldn’t have put myself in a position to black out.”

“They were still wrong,” I say.

“True,” he says simply.

I look over to Cora and she is looking at me, tears falling from her eyes as she stares at me. She already knows all of this.

Kohen continues, “My dad made a deal with them. I could move out and create a sector outside of their mansion that housed athletes and other kids with majors that meant something in the world. Those of us that wanted to do something with our lives. We would no longer be required to get our hands dirty. Xzavien kind of fell in line with whatever I did as default. He was considered a part of our family because his mom was our nanny and housekeeper for years.”

“So will you have to get back into all that?” Levi asks.

“No, I don’t. But I will always have pull there. My father comes from one of three founding families, not just of the society or the school, but of this town.” He takes a deep breath and then releases it. “What he says goes.” His eyes move to me for a moment.

How can I be end game then?

“I will always be tied to them, and they will always protect me and my family. That now includes you three.”

I think for a while. I don’t really even know what the right thing to say is. We all sit in silence. This is fucking crazy, my man is a Knight. Well, sort of.

“So what now?” I ask. He comes to sit next to me.

“Nothing, that’s all I can say now, but I promise, this will never get in between us,” he says, answering the question in my head.

“Well, your secrets are safe with us, right ladies?” Levi chimes in.

“Of course,” Cora says, looking at Kohen. “You are like a big brother to me,” she smiles.

They all turn to look at me in anticipation of my answer.

I keep a straight face, pretending to feel conflicted. Kohen’s brows pull together in worry. I smile huge, throwing my hands in the air. “Hell yeah, they are safe with me. You are going to be my husband. I’m a ride-or-die type, baby. Forever like Dom and Leti.”

Everyone breaks out in a fit of laughter.

“In all seriousness, though, whatever we go through, it’s together.”

Everyone nods in agreement. Kohen’s hand finds mine and he squeezes. “Ride or die, angel,” he whispers, leaning in for a kiss.