Page 13 of His Daggered Heart

I turn to walk away. “Tell it to your cowboy, angel. I love you, I’ll always love you, but I will not compete with someone.”

Then his words stop me in my tracks.

“She is my best friend, my little sister. I’m no competition, man.” His Southern accent makes every word sound like sweet music to my ears. “She just didn’t want me to be upset with her for running back to the guy who broke her heart.” He pauses and I turn to face him, his hands in the air. “Look, man, I know she broke your heart, too. Alls I’m sayin’ is this is why she didn’t want me to know.”

I still can’t look at her. I don’t even know if I believe him. Maybe they’re just friends with benefits.

“He is telling the truth, handsome.” My heart swells at her using my nickname.

I look at her and I don’t know what to do or how to feel. “I need some time to process this. I’m not walking away but I need to think and I can’t do it with your beautiful face right in front of me, okay? You let me think that he had your heart now.”

She shifts on her feet, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Okay, I understand.”

Taking the few steps between us, I kiss her forehead and she whimpers quietly.

“If we are being honest, I’m letting you know that Cora has been staying at my place, without Edward, for about two weeks. She has a guest bedroom. I just didn’t want you to find out later and it come between us if we are figuring this out. The miscommunication has to stop.”

Her eyes move between mine, scanning my face for some sort of confirmation that I’m telling the truth.

“And please, if you want me to care about him,” I nod in Levi’s direction and she takes a quick look at him and then back at me. “Don’t be mad at Cora. Trust me, there is a really good reason, and I guess if he has been your best friend through all this, it’s safe to say she has been mine. That’s all I’ll say, the rest of this truth is hers to tell.”

I take off in a jog like a bat out of hell, needing to put some space between them and me. It’s too much right now, and I need to call Cora and let her know that I spilled half the beans.

Chapter 13


Whatthefuckjusthappened? How the fuck did I find myself in this complicated mess? Oh I know, I fucked my ex in the parking lot of our school when we were supposed to be talking. He fucked me so silly that I didn’t thinkoh, hey he is going to come back to the place he trains after, and here I am with Levi who he thinks I’m dating?I smash my palm to my forehead.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?” I groan. I don’t really want Levi to answer but he does anyway.

“Well, sweetness, I’d say that you are still in love with the boy who broke your heart, and that’s okay. Why’d you lie to me?” Levi says.

I drop my hands to my sides and look over at him. “I’m sorry, Lee, I was … I don’t know. Embarrassed. I wanted you to see me be strong because you make mewantto be strong.”

“It’s okay, sweetness. Trust me, you are one of the strongest women I know. Look at everything you have been through. Yet here you are, persevering.” His tone is sincere and laced with love.

Love. It’s funny how a word that I wouldn’t dare say- except to Cora- now leaves me so easily. Levi has a huge part to play in that but if I’m being honest, Kohen is the one who tore down my walls, brick by brick with bloody hands and a half-broken heart from the loss of his mom. I’ve always had a big heart. It was just buried deep. I don’t know if I’ll ever admit this to anyone but it’s the truth.

Kohen opened me up and even though he left, he made room for Levi who is the best friend a girl could ask for. His friendship and love have been pivotal to my current happiness and growth. Am I perfect? Hell no, but I’m healing and that’s what matters. He had to be the next stage in my life to love and be loved by a boy who has no ill intentions and expects nothing but friendship. He has been my rock and now that Kohen and I are, well, I don’t know what we are or what we will be. How do they both fit?

I can’t lose Levi, that I know for sure. I’ll have to figure it out. I do want Kohen back, but I also need to fix whatever is happening between Cora and me. Why is she staying with him? What is going on with her and why didn’t she come to me?

“I’m going to sit outside on the porch swing, Levi. I need some air.” I smile weakly, sad and overwhelmed by everything. I make my way out the front door and I know Levi wants to come with but he heads upstairs instead, claiming to need a shower. I know it’s so that I can have my space.

I sit on the swing and pull my phone out of my pocket. He pops his head out of the front door, in nothing but a towel, scaring me half to death. “I’m just making sure, but you don’t want me with you, right? Usually, I can read you well but I was second-guessing myself just now.”

He makes my heart happy. I smile at him and his sunshine rains down on me as he returns one of his blinding ones. “Yes, I’m okay. I just want to make up with Cora, and I need to be alone to do that. Nothing against you. I love you but for years it’s just been her and me.”

“No explanation needed, sweetness. I got you, always.” With that, he turns away, making his way back up to the bathroom and taking the sunshine with him.

My phone suddenly feels heavy, like I’m holding a brick in my hand. Deciding to suck it up and break first, I text her. She needs me, and I haven’t been a good friend. I’ve been selfish.

Me: Cora?

I wait patiently until I see that the message is labeled as Read and no bubbles are bubbling. My leg begins to bounce, one of many little quirks I have when I’m impatient or anxious. I text again.

Me: Where are you? Can we talk?