She laughed and unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it from his shoulders. "Don't be surprised if you receive the same message when you call me to find out what I'm up to." She undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants. "Let's find you something more casual for your drinks."
Ares' stomach clenched as she raked her nails down his flesh.
"Damn, you make it hard to leave you, woman."
River glanced down. "I definitely do."
Ares didn't return until almost four a.m. He fell into bed beside River, pulled her into him, and began to snore before she even asked how things went. Four hours later, Ares awoke her, and they exited the suite and headed for the limos with everyone else. His warm hand on the small of her back comforted her more than she thought it could.
It didn't matter whether her feelings for him were because of the bond or because she was genuinely falling for him. All she knew was she'd never wanted to be with anyone else.
"So, when's the wedding?" Bianca asked. "You have to give me time because there's no way I am letting you plan this thing alone."
River laughed, and Ares pulled her closer.
"As soon as my mate wants the ceremony to be, it will be," he said. "After we talk to the council, of course."
Bianca wiggled her eyebrows. "The fall is a beautiful time to marry."
"That's two months away," said River. She didn't think she could wait two months to be Ares' mate.
"Why don't we wait until we're settled before starting the wedding plans," said Ares. "After all, you also have your own wedding to plan."
"Yeah," said Zeke. "You need to remember theirs isn't a simple shifter wedding. Ares is the Prince. That means many details have to be discussed and approved by the council."
Ares shrugged. "It's nothing. They ensure all the right people are invited and things like that."
Somehow, River didn't think that was all the council would say about their wedding, but she decided to keep her worries to herself.
For the moment, her only thought was- she was getting married. Getting mated and married to the prince of the whole shifter Lycan world.
They landedin Montreal around one-thirty and drove over an hour into a more rural area. On the plane, Ares filled her in on the previous night's events. A few smaller packs with younger Alphas weren't ready to commit to him. The older pack Alphas were on board, though. Surprisingly, her Alpha had helped sway a few undecideds to Ares' side of the fight. He'd also mentioned River being from his pack and how loyal Cherry and Strider were.
By the time they pulled up to an imposing gate, River couldn't believe how much the previous week had tired her. She'd barely gotten any sleep the night before, and to say plane rides weren't her favorite was an understatement. She'd never been on a plane before, and for being on one for the first time… well… she didn't want to do it again any time soon. Not to mention the tears and hugs with her mom, Strider, and Bianca, whom River reminded would be moving to the same place within the week. That, combined with everything that'd happened in the last two weeks, left her exhausted. All she wanted was a place for her and Ares to relax and breathe.
A guard in a little armored hut waved them through. Blue electricity zipped along the gate, and River hoped she never had to try and jump it to escape.
The car wound up a long driveway surrounded by trees and high walls, and Ares squeezed her hand. The sounds of wolves howling sounded all around the vehicle as they drove deeper into the estate. River's stomach clenched as they neared what would be her new home. The trees opened up into a clearing in front of a humongous house. She pressed her face to the window as it came into view.
"Holy crap!"
Ares chuckled, and his breath caressed her neck. "Welcome home, Beloved."
The limo stopped, and everyone piled out. The stone structure stood four stories high and as long as a football field. If they played hide and seek, she'd no doubt starve to death before being found.
The heavy wooden front door opened, and several armed guards exited onto the driveway.
Wow, how many bodyguards did Ares have?
"We can stay in the limo if you'd like, but I promise sleeping inside is much more comfortable," said Ares.
"Sorry. It's just so…"