Page 68 of Alpha Marked

"To be destroyed by a woman?"

"Exactly. To love a woman so much, nothing else matters to me but her. A woman I would give up everything for. A woman who makes me lose all sense of reason. A fated mate."

Her cheeks flushed.

The car stopped. Theo opened his door, and Ares exited. He buttoned his suit jacket as he sniffed and scanned the crowd for danger, but Santiago, Drew, and Lachlan were already on it. They positioned themselves casually but strategically up the wide staircase and then nodded to Theo.

"We're good."

Ares turned and helped River from the car. She stopped momentarily as she took in the thick crowd and sniffed the air. Her eyes darted around and landed on Lachlan up the steps, and her shoulders relaxed a fraction.

Ares held back a growl at the thought she might have feelings for Lachlan. Of course, she didn't. She was his mate. His. He wanted her comfortable with his men. They were, after all, her men, too. The more relaxed she became with them, the more comfortable she'd be in his world.

Ares kissed her head. "Come on, Little Wolf."

They walked together to the steps, where she gripped his arm for support. The small gesture made his wolf sigh in contentment. Ares wrapped an arm around her and steadied her. Halfway up the staircase, Ares began purring, and by the top, he purred so loud his body practically vibrated.

River stopped and placed her hand over his heart. "What is that? I've never heard anything like it before."

Ares stopped. "I… uh… I don't know how to explain it. It's like purring, I suppose. I've never done it before."

She didn't remove her hand. Her thin fingers rubbed the fabric of his jacket.

"It's so… comforting. Is it an Alpha thing?"

"Honestly," he said. "I have no clue."

They stared at each other as if in their own bubble of warmth. Eventually, she removed her hand and turned to the door.

"We should go so we aren't late."

Ares nodded, and they continued inside.

* * *

Ares ledRiver to a center seat above the orchestra level. All around her, the sound echoed, and people laughed and smiled, excited about the performance.

She moved her knees in as Lachlan sat on the other side of her, and Theo sat next to Ares. She didn't know where Santiago and Drew had gone but figured they couldn't be too far away. She wondered if Ares's bodyguards liked opera and art museums as well. She couldn't imagine following someone around day in and day out and hating where they went.

She turned to Lachlan, who scanned the crowd ever alert. "Have you seen this one before?"

Lachlan smiled. "Many times, Highness."

"Lachlan, you can call me River."

His gaze traveled to Ares, and he shook his head. "I wouldn't dare, Highness."

River looked at Ares. "Seriously? You called me that before I met Ares."

Ares gave her an impassive expression. "That was before."

Her lips twisted. "What are people supposed to call me?"

"Her Highness. Omega. Princess. And when you are my mate, you will be called High Luna or Her Majesty."

"But never by my actual name? The one given to me by my dad?"

"Your birth name is only for your closest family and friends."