Page 79 of Alpha Marked

River wanted to protest but if she didn't get her hair brushed, she might as well shave her head in the morning. It would be a thousand times easier.

As he began detangling the next section of hair, she relaxed.

"Movies or books?" she asked.

"I prefer books but rarely have time to read anymore. I do listen to audiobooks, though. What about you?"

"I prefer movies. Books are awesome, but like you said, there is not much time for reading."

"I can give you access to my audio library," he offered. "I listen to the books at about two times the normal speed and can finish two on a long plane flight."


He moved on to the last section of her hair.

"So, what was your favorite class in college?" he asked.

"I liked art history a lot. Getting to learn about different masters and periods and movements and everything. What about you?"

"I don't know that I had a favorite class. I took what was required to graduate."

"You didn't take any classes for fun?"

"Didn't want to waste the time."

Her gut clenched. "That's so sad."

"My parents made it clear I was there to be educated. So that's what I did."

"Did you have friends in college?" she asked.

"Did you?"

They were a lot more alike than she would have ever imagined.

He pulled her hair back, brushed through it one more time, and put down the brush. "Done."

River ran her fingers through her hair and smiled. "Thank you, Ares."

"My pleasure."

River yawned, and Ares lifted her to her feet and walked her to the side of the bed. He pulled down the sheets and tucked her in. He kissed her forehead and took a breath of her hair before standing.

"Goodnight, River."

River smiled at him, and as he walked toward the door, her smile turned to a frown. "You're leaving?"

Her wolf whined.

He stopped. "Do you want me to stay?"

Did she?

Yes, her wolf demanded.

"Do you mind?"
