"And you want me to trust my bodyguards, right?"
Ares's eye twitched. "They will call you Highness, Omega, Princess, High Luna, or Her Majesty."
River clenched her jaw. "Theo calls you Ares."
"Theo has been my brother since childhood. Zeke's mate Bianca may call you River. Your mother and stepfather may call you River. I may call you River."
"What about Zeke? He'll be my brother-in-law."
The lights dimmed, and Ares didn't answer.
River huffed. She didn't want to be called any of those things. She wanted to be called by her name. She liked her name. Her father had given it to her. He'd said when she was born and opened her eyes for the first time, they reminded him of the river by their house.
River bit her tongue and turned to the stage as the orchestra began to play. This wasn't the end of the discussion. Not by a mile.
"What did you think?" Ares asked as they walked down the stairs to the exit of the opera house.
"I enjoyed it more than I had anticipated. The music was beautiful. The sets and costumes were incredible. I can hardly believe all the work that went into the production. I thought it would be like watching a movie, but somehow so much… more. I can't explain it."
Ares smiled at her. "Exactly."
River caught the whiff of a familiar scent, and a chill settled over her. To her left, a man bumped her on the stairs, and a stinging sensation pricked the back of her hand.
She lurched forward in her heels. Ares grabbed her in a flash and had her steadied before the thought of falling occurred to her.
"Hey!" Ares boomed.
Theo grabbed for the man's jacket, but he rushed through the crowd down to the landing and onward.
River's mind caught up with her body, and a surge of adrenaline crested through her. That scent. She would never forget it.
River shook and bent over the railing, looking for the man who had bumped her. Again, she glimpsed a black jacket rushing down a floor below.
"Are you all right?" Ares sniffed and lifted her hand. "You're bleeding."
River peered down at it. He'd scratched her hand, and a light line of blood welled on her skin. She tried to find words as Ares searched her face.
"What is it? Are you ill?"
Her throat dried, and she tried to form words. "It's him," she managed.
Ares looked at her for a moment, confused.
She touched her neck.
Ares's eyes turned to fire. "Theo! Zeke. Bring me that Lycan's head."
Theo and Zeke shot down the stairs without a word.
Ares crushed her against him, and she clung to him, trying to force herself to calm down.
"I'll kill him, River. I promise. I'll kill him."
He'd been there in New York. He'd been at the theater. It couldn't have been a coincidence. Was she overreacting? Maybe she was wrong. Maybe it was someone who smelled similar.