Without warning, a growl escaped River as a possessiveness overtook her senses.
"Where?" she roared.
Twenty minutes later,River and Bianca left her room dressed to conquer. When they approached the front room, Lachlan's mouth fell open, and Isaac turned and spit his drink all over the floor.
"I want to go out," River announced.
The men stared at her as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Hellooooo?" said Bianca. "Did you hear River? She said she wants to go out."
"Dressed… dressed like… like that?" asked Isaac.
"Is there something wrong with my outfit?" River looked down at the black leather bustier and mini skirt covering most of her assets.
"Uh…" The men shared a look.
"Zeke went to grab some food. He'll be back any minute. We should wait for him," said Lachlan.
"I don't want to wait," said River.
"But it's for your safety, Highness. If anything happened to you, Prince Ares would have our heads."
"Do you know where he is?" River asked.
"Not exactly."
"Well, find out and take me there. Surely you can't get into trouble if you take me to him. He did say to watch me only if I wasn't with him."
The men exchanged another look, and Isaac shrugged.
Lachlan stoppedthe sedan outside the club where River had first met Ares. She jumped from the backseat, her wolf a bundle of nerves. She couldn't settle between anxiety and complete rage.
River strode with Bianca to the rope, and Brutel turned their direction.
"Damn, River," he said with a huge smile.
River smiled as he opened the rope and let her in. "I've been told Prince Ares is here."
Brutel snorted. "Oh, he's in there all right. Why? You looking to get with a Lycan? In that outfit, I'm sure you're bound to grab the attention of every male in the place."
River started for the door. "That's what I plan on doing."
Bianca ran to catch up with River as she entered the club and scanned the surroundings. She sniffed her surroundings, searching for the scent she wanted.
Weaving through the bodies, she hardly noticed the catcalls, whistles, and 'hot damns' aimed their direction.
She scanned the dance floor and a male stepped in front of her. Blocking her view. He placed his hand on her bare hip.
"Why don't you let me buy you a drink or ten, pretty mama?"
River glared at him. "Why don't you remove your hand before I break it?"
"Come on, babe. You can't come walking into a place like this, dressed like that, and expect to-"