Page 71 of Fenrir

Fenrir stared at Grace.She stood about a foot shorter than he did. Her fur white as moonlight. Her golden alpha eyes gleamed in the dark.

His heartbeat hammered, but he couldn’t take a breath. It wasn’t possible. She couldn’t be… like him. Grace was like him. She wasn’t a wolf. She was a werewolf.

Fear crossed her features, and Fenrir reached to touch her face, but she grabbed his hand, stopping him.

“Am I a monster? A beast?” she asked thickly behind her elongated teeth.

“You… you are beautiful.”

She smiled and cupped his hand to her cheek before lifting her palm to his cheek. “So are you, Fenrir, werewolf god.”

Fenrir swooped down and kissed her hard. Their teeth clashed as their tongues swirled together.

It started small, a tiny spark, no bigger than a match strike. But within seconds, his chest burned, and their connection solidified. He could feel her, taste her, smell her. Every part of her. Every particle reached out and merged with his. It was like being in his body and her body simultaneously, and the love that poured out of her made tears form in his eyes. Love for him. For them. For the future.

He broke the kiss and stared at her. She wiped the tears from his eyes.

“You’re mine, Fenrir. I chose you. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.”

Fenrir’s chest squeezed until he thought he might pass out. “You are mine, Grace. I chose you. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Forever.”


Grace sleptfor two days with Fenrir and Layla watching over her. He made sure she stayed hydrated and fought every second to keep from staring at her wounds to make sure they were healing. He’d laid at her side the entire time, holding her and purring in a low rumble that seemed to comfort her.

By the third day, he was awakened to her hands on his body. Relief flooded him, and the purring began again, but when her fingers traced down his torso to his hip, his purring turned to a growl.

He’d barely gotten his eyes open before her mouth was on his chest. She licked over one of his nipples and then playfully bit it.

He chuckled. “I take it you’re feeling better.”

She answered by licking up his throat and then kissing him hard. Her scent rose around him, and he caught a slight change in her. A warm spicy note that had him completely hard the moment he smelled it.

He growled and pulled her flush against him as she deepened the kiss. He moved his hand between her legs to find her hot and wet. The sensation almost had him climaxing on her stomach.

Her most intimate parts felt… different. Swollen and quivering.

She mewled as he touched her and rubbed against his hand hard.


“I need you, Fen. I need you now.” She didn’t wait for permission and instead straddled his hips and slid down on him in a hard push.

Fenrir grabbed her hips and growled as she seated herself fully on him. Her head fell back, and she moaned.

Her heat and wetness engulfed him, and her scent grew stronger, encircling him and making him want and need only one thing- her.

Fenrir rocked his hips against her as she slid over his length. “Grace… I… I can’t hold out. You’re so hot. So tight. I-”

Grace leaned in and kissed him so hard his lip split open from her teeth.

“Screw me, Fen. I need you to screw me. Hard.”

Fenrir’s beast roared and didn’t need to be told twice.

Fenrir flipped her over and drove into her. Grace cried out and then stared at him with her golden gaze.

“Harder. More.”