Loki stared at him for a moment, and then his eyebrows raised. “You two have mated.”
Fenrir sucked in several deep breaths and nodded. “It just happened a couple of days ago. We’re trying to figure things out. We weren’t ready to tell anyone.”
Loki touched his shoulder. “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”
“Take me,” Fenrir growled, trying to keep his beast under his skin where he belonged.
Loki nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, his outfit changed into his classic sleek black armor.
Several of the shifters gasped and backed away.
“Should I call Odin and the others?” asked Frigg.
Loki shook his head. “We got this.”
The shifters murmured amongst themselves.
“Climb on,” said Loki.
Fenrir stared at him. “What?”
“Unless you want me to carry you in my arms like a baby, you’ll need to climb on my back, son.”
Fenrir shook his head. “This is ridiculous. I’m twice your size.”
“Are you saying your old man isn’t strong enough?”
Fenrir opened his mouth to respond and then blew out a breath. “No. I’m saying we are going to look ridiculous.”
Grace dodged her father,and he raced past her. He swung around and rushed her again, but she stepped out of the way again.
“I’m not going to let you kill my mother,” she said. “And I won’t let you use me as bait either.”
Her father breathed hard several feet away. “You may be fast and strong, but you can’t take us all.”
Her father howled, and every one of the males rushed forward, surrounding her.
Grace raised her hand, but someone tackled her from behind before she could speak. The air whooshed from her lungs as she hit the ground, face-first. Her temple smacked the dirt, sending a jolt through her neck. Her eyes blurred briefly, and she fought to clear her vision.
“Gag!” her father yelled.
There was a ripping sound, and as she struggled against numerous hands to get to her feet, a piece of warm cloth was shoved in her mouth. She choked on it and tried to breathe through her nose, catching the taste of sweat and dirt.
Not good. This was not good.
Grace fought against the men pinning her to the ground, but someone stabbed his knee into her spine, making her yelp. They wrenched her hands behind her back and bound them.
She turned her head from side to side, trying to see around her, but all she could make out was dozen male bodies and a large set of boots moving toward her.
Panic lit within her. She’d never had to fight, so she had no idea how to escape the situation. The boots stopped inches from her face, and then her father knelt next to her and pulled the gag from her mouth.
“Remove your compulsion from my boys.”
Grace spat on the ground and tried to clear the taste from her mouth.
Her father grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. “Release them!”