Her father fell forward, and the blade struck the rock instead of her. For a moment he looked stunned, and then he looked at her. She stared at him and pulled on the other silver restraints, breaking them free from the rock.
Her father roared in anger. “You’re immune to silver.”
She shrugged and smashed the cuffs against the rock, breaking them and pulling them off.
“And you’re strong. Very strong.”
“Like I said, leave before you all die.”
Her father howled, and in a flash, all of the males in the camp shifted into wolf form.
“Bring her down!” he shouted.
Before her brothers could move, Grace waved her hand at them. “Shift,” she commanded.
In an instant, they all shifted back to human form and looked at each other in shock.
She waved her hand at them again. “You are no longer allowed to shift into wolf form.” Then she turned to her father. “And neither are you.”
He growled, and his skin rippled, but nothing happened. Again he tried but could not shift.
“What is this?” he demanded. “What have you done to me?”
She shook her head. “You didn’t want to listen, and I don’t want to kill you, so, I compelled you instead.”
“I’m an alpha. I answer to no one. No one can compel me.”
“No one, alpha or lower, can compel you to do something. But I’m not only an alpha, father. I’m an alpha and a demigod. Therefore I can compel you to do whatever I want.”
Her father roared and rushed forward.
As soon asFenrir opened the door to Frigg’s place, he smelled them. Shifters. He scanned the room, but the only people he saw were underworlders. He stalked to the bar and asked for Frigg.
“She’s downstairs,” said the bartender. “She’s been working on settling everyone for a couple of hours now.”
“They’re shifters?”
The bartender nodded.
Fenrir and Loki walked to the backroom. They opened a door and headed down steep stone steps to an all-natural mossy forest floor. The space opened up at the bottom of the stairs into one enormous round room. The walls were tree trunks with thick knotted roots covered in little pink and yellow flowers. Dozens of white cotton tents had been set up in a circle around the edge of the room. One wall of the room was covered in a giant rock waterfall which fed into a small river just inside the ring of tents. Golden fish swam lazily to and fro through the current and the plants beneath. In the center of the room sat a roaring campfire in a stone pit. And around the pit sat dozens of pale green lounge chairs. And in the chairs sat people. Many people.
Frigg was just handing a woman white sheets and towels when she spotted Fenrir and headed over.
“Fenrir. Loki. I am assuming you aren’t here to help make up cots.”
One by one, the shifters had begun to notice Fenrir, and they stilled and quieted.
“Is this Grace’s pack?” he asked.
Frigg nodded. “Yes. From what I understand, there was some kind of hostile takeover. There’s a new alpha, and they ran.”
Hostile takeover? They ran? That was not what Grace’s text had said at all. A chill ran over him.
“Who is in charge?”
An older shifter stood from his chair. “I am,” he said. “Or rather, I should say, you are.”