Page 26 of Fenrir

Fenrir looked down at his knuckles that had healed completely, remembering the soft caress of Grace’s lips on them. “Good.”

“I’ll send the money to your account.”

Fenrir wanted to say something else but stopped himself. “Thank you for finding Grace.”

“Have you seen her?”

Fenrir knew that Loki’s asking was only for show. He had no doubt that as soon as Fenrir had been out of earshot, Odin had called Loki to ensure Grace would be safe with him.

“Would it be okay for me to bring her to the family dinner?”

“Of course.”

Fenrir could practically hear the smile in his father’s voice.

“Thank you,” was all Fenrir could manage.

“Well, then, I look forward to meeting her tonight.”

Fenrir nodded. “Yeah.” Suddenly Fenrir began to second-guess his idea of bringing her. What if the others tried to hit on her? Fenrir wasn’t sure he could control himself if that happened. Hell, someone could be up there at Odin’s, hitting on her at that very moment.

His beast snarled.


Fenrir’s attention snapped back to the phone. “Yeah… uh… we’ll see you tonight.”

Silence filled the line for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Loki asked.

“Yes. No.” Fenrir sat on the bed and rubbed his forehead. “I have no idea.”

“Why don’t we talk about it tonight, okay?”

Fenrir nodded. “Sure.”

“See you then, Son.”

“Bye, Dad.” Fenrir hung up the phone and threw his hands over his eyes. It barely even registered that he’d called Loki dad because he was too busy with the visions of Grace being hit on by every male in the bar.

“Stop,” Fenrir told himself. “You’ll drive yourself crazy again. Get a hold of yourself.”

Grace’s face floated into his mind. Memories of her soft yet needy lips on his. Her hands on his body. Her warm belly pressed against his stone-stiff erection.

Fenrir groaned. Damn. He’d almost lost it with her. Lost all control. Laid her on the bed and stripped her bare so he could taste every delicious inch of her. He needed her. Wanted her. In his arms. In his bed. In his heart.

Fenrir growled and jumped from the bed. He needed to cool down. If he didn’t, who knew what he would do…

He looked to the bathroom, stripped off his clothes, stepped under the cold shower spray, and grabbed his length once more. Every stroke of his hand brought him closer to the edge, but it was his mind that he was trying to calm most. Her eyes. Her mouth. Her hands. He wanted to claim them all as his, lock her away just for him, and keep her forever.

As Fenrir climaxed to the sight of Grace’s face for the third time, he moaned and cursed himself. He was so screwed. So damn screwed.


Grace feltFenrir’s arrival before he rang the doorbell. She raced down the stairs to keep Vivian or Brigeeta from answering the door. She pulled the door open as he lifted his hand to knock. His eyes widened as she stood before him, breathing hard.

“Hey,” she said unsuccessfully, trying to sound normal.