Page 76 of Fenrir

“Yeah, so, we needed to find a wolf doctor, but since she’s already showing, we are pretty sure we’re expecting twins,” Fenrir finished.

“Triplets,” said a low voice from the back.

Everyone froze.

“Www… what?” Fenrir asked.

Everyone’s gaze turned around, and Grace spotted Heimdall leaning against the island in the kitchen, drinking a beer.

When he noticed everyone’s eyes on him, he stopped drinking.

“What did you say?” Fenrir repeated.

Heimdall looked at his beer, flustered, and then set it on the counter.

“Heim,” said Frigg. “Did you just… Did you tell them something you weren’t supposed to?”

Heimdall licked his lips and scanned the room.

“Heimdall?” Frigg said again.

“Okay, why are you all looking at me like that?” he said. “Once. One time in what? Two thousand years? I slipped up one time in two thousand years and tell someone something I’m not supposed to, and you all look at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. And let’s be honest here, it’s not like they weren’t going to find out in the next couple of weeks anyway. And this is why we are here anyway, isn’t it? To celebrate them having a baby. It’s not like they didn’t even know she was pregnant. And you all know I am susceptible to Odin’s private stock of ale. It’s why I never drink it. But Frigg, you told me to be nice and join in this time, and I did, and so honestly, it’s not my fault. It’s the ale’s fault. And all of your faults for making me drink it.”

He stared at them all and pointed at them in turn, and Grace couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up inside her.

Heimdall looked at her, and as her giggles grew louder, everyone else also turned to her.

Soon her giggles had turned into full-blown laughter.

“Grace?” Fenrir asked.

Grace laughed even harder. “Triplets. We are having triplets. Three babies. Three. At one time.”

Grace’s laughter grew harder, and she grabbed her stomach as her muscles cramped.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong? Is it the babies?” Fenrir’s look of fear did nothing to stop her from laughing harder.

Tears streamed from her eyes at his distress though nothing was funny about the situation.

“Get her some water,” Fenrir yelled. “Grace, come sit down.” He led her to the couch, and people moved out of her way as he sat her down.

“Maybe she needs to cool down,” Loki offered. He produced a fan out of thin air and handed it to Fenrir, who immediately began waving it at her.

“Prop up her feet,” Tyr offered.

Vidar snorted. “Why? Does that stop the giggles?”

Tyr shrugged. “How the hell should I know?

“You two are utterly worthless.” Frigg pushed the men out of the way and held out a glass of water. “Here, sweetie, drink this.”

Grace just waved Frigg away, and her laughter continued.

Three. They were having three babies.

Fenrir was so screwed.

* * *