Fenrir was skeptical, but his curiosity won out. “What is it?”
“Remember Jamy? The woman whose husband put her in the hospital a few weeks ago?”
“I remember her husband,” he said carefully.
“Right. Jamy has a lot of trauma from everything he put her through. And she’s decided to get a dog for protection but also companionship. When her ex put her in the hospital, he broke her back. She is going to need help getting around.”
“I can imagine. If I remember right, her chances of ever walking again were slim.”
Loki nodded. “She won’t be out of the hospital for about another month or so, and I thought that maybe in the time she’s in there, you would consider helping her find a dog and training it the way you trained Layla and Hödr’s dog.”
A dog trainer? He’d never thought of that before. Layla had been easy to train because she’d been so eager to please. Hödr’s dog had been more challenging because he needed his dog to see for him. But training Rolo had been both fun and rewarding. Was it possible he could do that as a job?
“I think I’d like that,” he finally said.
Loki smiled. “It would be good for you and for the people you help. Since you have a special affinity for canines, I think you’d be perfect for pairing up dogs and owners and helping them forge a much-needed bond. As well as giving them the training that their human or supernatural counterpart requires.”
Fenrir’s mind began to whirl. “I’d have to do some studying up, and I’d need to see her home and interview her. Get a feel for her personality as well as what her limitations will be.”
“Sounds like a great game plan.”
Fenrir nodded as he made mental notes of everything he’d need to do.
“I know she can’t afford much,” said Loki.
Fenrir waved him off. “I wouldn’t do it for money. I’d do it to help people and help the animals. I’ll only train rescues. I won’t buy some fancy-bred dog when so many out there are in need. Plus, when you rescue a dog, they know it, and their bond with their owners is stronger, in my opinion.”
“Any way you want to run your business is up to you. I can help you find clients, but the rest is all your choice.”
His choice. His business. Something of his own. Like Grace.
Fenrir smiled.Grace.
Just thinking of her made him stop. Something had changed between them. They’d been able to feel each other since their bonding had happened. The moment he’d bitten her, and all her memories had flooded him, a connection had formed. Almost like him and his beast. They were always aware of each other. Where they were in the apartment. What they were thinking. Not telepathy, really, more of a merging of their souls.
It was strange but comforting knowing that she was there. Knowing he was no longer alone. That he’d never be alone again. And he was pretty sure it would be the only thing to keep him sane while she worked at Odin’s place. Not that she’d need to do that anymore. If he did start a training business, she could help him with that.
He reached out through the connection expecting it to be moderately faint since she was at Odin’s, but it wasn’t.
“What’s wrong?” Loki asked.
Fenrir shook his head. “I’m not sure.”
He reached for Grace again, but the connection was weak as if she was far away. A chill washed over him as he realized she was no longer in the underworld.
His beast growled, and panic lit in Fenrir’s chest.
He reached into his pocket, but his phone wasn’t there. He looked at Loki’s desk, but again, no phone. “My phone’s missing.”
Loki pointed to the couch where Fenrir had been sitting when he arrived. “I forgot to tell you that you received a bunch of notifications when you were gone. You’re quite popular.”
Fenrir walked to the couch where his coat and phone sat. His gut twisted as he reached for it. Only three people had his number. Loki, Tyr, and Grace.
He picked up the phone and pushed the button. He’d missed a dozen calls from Grace and several texts.
He pulled up the texts.
My pack is in the Underworld! My father has returned! He wants to see me! Headed up to see him. Be back tonight. Tomorrow at the latest, hopefully.Love you.