Page 55 of Fenrir

She nodded. “I know it’s childish, but they say it’s the happiest place on Earth, and I was raised on Disney movies, DVDs, and VHS tapes, and I’ve always wanted to go.”

He kissed her forehead. “Then I’ll take you. Tomorrow.”

“We don’t have to go tomorrow. But, soon.”

“Why not tomorrow? I’m not doing anything tomorrow. Are you?”

“I have work.”

“Odin told you to take a month off if you wanted. I’ll tell him we’re going on a trip.”

Her heartbeat quickened. “Really?”

“I know it’s hard for you because you haven’t been alive as long as I have, but you will realize pretty quick that time doesn’t mean the same thing to us as it does to mortals. We have an unlimited supply which makes us relax more about things like work.”

Grace bit her lip. “But… I don’t have an unlimited supply or time.”

Fenrir shook his head. “We don’t know that. Your mother is a Goddess. Children of gods and Goddesses tend to live a pretty long time, even if they aren’t given a title of a god.”

Did that mean she might live for thousands of years too? The idea overwhelmed Grace. What would she do with all that time on her hands?

Fenrir used his thumbs to relax the muscles in her forehead. “Whoa. Don’t think about that one too hard. You might burst something.”

She smacked his hand away. “Ha ha.”

He cupped her cheek. “I mean it. Don’t think about that now and what all it means; it is a lot to take in. Let’s just get through now. I don’t want to live in the past or the future. I want to live every moment, right here where we are, with you.”

Grace nodded and smiled.

He kissed her forehead. “I’ll make reservations for a hotel and get tickets for a week, but we can stay as long as you want. Or after we can fly around the world and visit every Disney park there is.”

“Really?” Excitement rolled around inside her, and she kissed him. “Thank you.” She kissed him again. “What about you? What is something you’ve always wanted but never had? Whatever it is, you tell me, and we’ll get it or do it.”

Fenrir stared at her for a moment, and his expression grew serious.

“Come on,” she said. “You made me tell you. Whatever it is, I won’t laugh. What do you want?”

“A home,” he finally said.

Grace’s heart squeezed so tight she couldn’t breathe. She tried to swallow down the memories of his life that choked her. She grabbed onto him and held him tight, forcing herself to get her bearings.

“Then we’ll have to get you that,” she said.

He squeezed her tight and nuzzled her neck. Home. A word she had wanted for herself ever since she’d been a child. Yes, Fay had made a home for her and raised her, but something had always been missing. She’d never been able to put her finger on what it was. She’d thought it might have been her father, or maybe it had been her birth mother. Either way, she’d always felt a hole inside her. A hole that Fenrir had filled.

“Okay.” He rolled off her and hopped to his feet, giving her a full shot of his tight round rear and large wolf back tattoo. “I need to figure out a hotel, tickets, and everything for us.”

“Go?” she said.

“I… I don’t have a computer, so I need to get a computer and get my debit and credit cards from Loki to buy stuff.”

“Wow. You’ve never even used a debit card?”

“Yeah, it must sound stupid, but my dad’s always handled everything.”

In so many ways, he was like a child. How could no one have ever helped him with things like using a debit card or even getting a computer?

He got dressed quickly. “Okay. I’m gonna go home and grab a bag of clothes and make some arrangements for Layla with Hödr, and then I’ll meet you back here after work. You get a laptop, and we work on getting the stuff we need together when I’m back.”