Page 69 of Loki

The stones of the floor rolled back into place, and the black smoke sucked into Hel’s trident, snaked up her arm, and disappeared into her dress.

“Remind me never to piss off your daughter,” said Val.

Loki winked at her. “Nah. I think you could take her.”

Val shook her head.Was he delusional?

Hel turned to Thor. “I believe this concludes my reason for being here, yes?”

Thor nodded. “Thank you, cousin.”

Hel smiled. “No. Thank you, cousin. I haven’t had this much excitement since... forever. And now I go to make sure Surtr is utterly uncomfortable in his new abode.” She winked at Elle. “Be sure to come visit me. I’d love to pick your brain about the best ways to torture Surtr.”

“That’s it?” asked Baldur.

“No fighting?” Vidar moaned.

“Man, I got all dressed up and have nowhere to go,” said Hermódr, “This armor isn’t easy to put on, you know.”

“Perhaps the new fire giant king will allow us to spar with some of his men, so it isn’t a total waste,” said Hödr

The group waited on Thadren.

“Of course,” Thadren offered. “Anything we can do to heal relations with the Asgardians.”

“Can we kill them?” Fenrir growled.

“No!” everyone said together.

“You lot really have gone soft.” Fenrir stalked to the door and ran out.

Loki smiled at Val. “Shall we?”

“After you.”

“No, my love, after you. You show me which ones tortured you in your time here, and I will do my best to make sure they suffer.”

Val couldn’t help the smile which spread across her face. “The more you make them suffer, the more I’ll give you to enjoy when we return home.”

Loki produced two more blades and grinned. “Then they will suffer unimaginably.”


One YearLater

Val staredat the white stick and blinked.

Nope.Nothing had changed.

She closed her eyes again.Please. Please, Goddess, do not let this be happening.

She opened them.

Still the same.

Val’s heart beat like a bass drum. It was too soon. She wasn’t ready. Loki wasn’t ready.

She stared at the stick again, and a knock sounded on the door.