Page 62 of Loki

So irritating.


Loki sat through the meal,allowing his hand to drift subtly up Val’s thigh. The higher his fingers reached, the warmer her skin became and the more flustered she became.

More than once, she’d shoved his hand away, but he’d smiled and put it back where he wanted it. Teasing her was more entertaining than he’d anticipated. However, when Fenrir sniffed the air and stared at them, Loki stopped. Messing around under the table was one thing. Others at the table knowing what was happening was quite different.

Fenrir shook his head and went back to his food.

Loki’s heart went out to him. As far as he knew, Fenrir had never had a woman of his own. His feral and unpredictable nature kept him from getting too close to anyone, partly out of fear of being hurt and partly out of fear of hurting someone else.

Loki’s vision clouded, and flickers of the future flashed in and out of view.Fenrir at the Speed dating event. A woman. A struggle and then... nothing.

Loki’s fork clattered to his plate, and he sucked in a breath.

“Are you all right?” asked Val.

Loki nodded and chugged his ale.


Loki stared at Fenrir, unable to voice what he’d seen. It’d been a while since he’d gotten flashes. The sensation both confused and made him anxious.

“Loki, can I get you another drink?” Frigg’s gentle voice floated down the table. His gaze connected with hers, and she gave him a knowing smile. “Let’s get you something stronger.”

Mutely Loki nodded and stood, not bothering to acknowledge Val’s questioning stare or meet Fenrir’s eye.

He walked to the bar and leaned on it heavily. Frigg pulled out a bottle of Mana and poured him a thick glass.

Loki chugged it without tasting it.

“Future flashes?”

Loki nodded and pointed at the glass. Frigg poured him half a glass, and he downed it. She corked the bottle and put it away.

“Any more, and we will be carrying you out of here,” she said.

“I can handle my Mana.”

She nodded. “Of course.”

Elle and Meili passed them on their way into the kitchen to wash dishes.

Loki stared at Frigg mutely before she squeezed his hand.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head. “Did you see it?”

She glanced at Fenrir. “I’ve seen... something.”

“A woman?”

She nodded. “It may not be as bad as you think.”

“Then again, it might be.” He shook his head. “Fenrir has been through enough in his life. Doesn’t he deserve happiness too?”

Frigg smiled. “I always knew you were a softy.”