Loki shrugged. “Technically, that was Hödr. I only supplied the arrow.”
Baldur grumbled. “Why do you even come here? No one wants you.”
“Odin wants him,” Val said. “He invited Loki and I personally.”
Baldur acknowledged her for the first time. “That surprises me. Odin doesn’t usually allow Loki to bring his one-night stands to family dinners.”
“Because I’m not a one-night stand, asshole,” Val spat.
Baldur snorted. “They all think that.”
Val took a step forward, but Loki’s eyes flashed, and he stepped up to Baldur. “This is Valkyrie. The last remaining Valkyrie. Show her respect, or I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll wish you had the arena rules to keep me from killing you.”
Baldur’s eyes widened, and then he looked at Val. “I apologize.”
“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it,” said Val. “Or I’ll kick your ass myself.”
Loki backed up and slipped his arm around her waist before kissing her hair. “Come on, love.”
Baldur’s eyes almost bugged out of his head at Loki’s words.
Val threw Baldur a smile. “Amusing to see you again, Baldur. I look forward to meeting you in the arena sometime.”
Baldur didn’t reply as she and Loki turned from him and headed for a door halfway down the wall. They hit the door, and Loki stopped and turned to her.
“Maybe this wasn’t a smart idea.”
“Are you kidding me? I dressed up and everything for this. If that’s the kind of intros I’m gonna get with your family, this dinner will be much more interesting than anticipated. I’m not turning back now.”
Loki shook his head. “Only you would relish putting a Norse God in his place.”
“What can I say? I’m a man-eater.”
Loki’s eyes twinkled. “And what a talented little man-eater you are too.”
Val laughed. “You’re awful.”
He tilted her chin and kissed her. “But you love it.”
Loki showedVal through the different burlesque rooms to the back of the club, where Odin’s place was. They reached the door, and Loki knocked. A moment passed, and the door opened.
“Father.” A tall, broad-shouldered man nodded to Loki.
“Fenrir. How are you this evening, son?”
Fenrir looked from Loki to Val and nodded. He sniffed the air and turned his deep-set, ash-colored gaze on her. His heavy brow, thick sideburns, and facial hair belied his werewolf nature. His hair was long and wavy like Loki’s, but his tanned skin showed how much more time he spent in the sun.
“So, this is her,” Fenrir said without pretense.
“Fenrir, this is Valkyrie.”
He stared at her for a moment longer and then offered his hand. Val shook it and gave him a tight smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Fenrir.”
He snorted. “I doubt that, but thank you for saying it.”
Something was wrong. Fenrir was more sullen than usual.