Page 37 of Loki

“I’m tired too.” Loki winked at her before heading off toward the male.

Val dove down the street after the female caught up with her and planted both boots on the female in the back. The demon tumbled to the ground and spiraled several times. Val landed on the demon’s chest. The female gasped but couldn’t sit up. Val knelt on her throat and brandished her wrist blade.

“Where did you learn about me?”

The demon shook her head. “I... didn’t. Caneo did.”

“Who told him?”

The woman shook her head again. “I don’t know. I swear.”

“Who put the bounty on me?” Val leaned on the woman’s neck harder.

“Someone outside the Underworld. I don’t know who. Caneo never told me. He just said you were worth a lot of money, and if we took you and the girl in, we’d have enough to move up here to a better place.”

“Did they say who the girl was?”

She shook her head. “They said you would lead us to her.”

Like hell, she would. “How long have you been following me?”

“A couple of hours. You were spotted going into Valhalla’s Throne.”

“Anything else?”

“No. I swear.”

Val nodded. “I believe you.” She slit the demon’s throat. “But I can’t let you tell anyone else about Elle or me. Sorry.”

She turned and found Loki standing over the body of the decapitated leader of the group.Damn.She’d been hoping to find out who told them about a bounty. But she had told Loki she wanted to cut all their heads off. At least he’d listened to her.

Val soared back down the road to Loki, who flipped his blades in the air, and they disappeared.

“You all right?” Loki examined her.

She nodded. “You?”

“Never better. How are your wings?” He turned her around and pulled out her wings.

“Oh my gosh, you are as bad as a wet nurse.” She pulled away from him and wiped black blood on her pants before putting her knives away. Her heart pounded with adrenaline, and she realized how invigorating it had felt to be sky bound, even if it was for only a few minutes.

“We should get you topside,” said Loki.

“Oh, now you want to get me topside?”

“Until I can figure out who is talking down here about a bounty, yes. You need to stay in Midgard.”

Val nodded. “Not a problem.”

“Wait.” Loki put his hand on her arm.



“Friday?” she asked.

“Odin invited us to dinner.” He started walking down the street.