Logan walked over and kissed Makayla on the head. "It's what families are for." He gripped Caleb's forearm, and they nodded to each other.
Logan called Jeremiah to pick him up as Makayla got some alcohol from the bathroom and poured it onto Caleb's shoulder before bandaging it.
"It's already healing," she said looking at the entrance and exit wounds. "It's going to leave a nasty scar, though."
"Just makes me all the more rugged."
"It will forever remind me how much you love me.” She cupped his cheek. “I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost you. You get me up here. Get me to love the mountains and this cabin and meat, only to leave me? I'd never forgive you."
Caleb threaded his fingers into her hair and pulled her close. "I'm not going anywhere."
She smiled and crawled onto his lap. "Neither am I."
He kissed her hard. She ran her hands up his chest and returned his kisses.
“Caleb,” she said between kisses. “I think I might be in love with you.”
He smiled and kissed her slow and hard, until her toes curled, and she moaned for more.
“Good. Because I might be in love with you.”
Makayla stripped off her shirt and tossed her bra to the floor before kissing him again.
She was home. Finally, home.
Chapter 21
Makayla held their baby anxiously next to Caleb in Jeremiah and Mary's front room, as the cars began arriving. First to arrive was Caleb's Uncle Ethan and his wife Sariah. Their daughter Natasha and her mate Liam pulled up in a truck driven by their friends Noah and Cara from Seattle. Behind them came Logan and several of the Wolf River elders. Finally, behind all of them arrived a black town car. Makayla swallowed hard as the door opened and out stepped her mother and her brother Colt.
Her mom headed toward the house, and Makayla's skin broke out in a cold sweat. Caleb slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"It's going to be fine."
"You don't know my mom."
He kissed the back of her head. "No. But I know you."
She blew out a harsh breath as the front door opened and the parties entered.
She stood with Caleb on one side and Dakota and Griffin on the other. One by one, the guests entered and greeted Jeremiah and Mary before proceeding to meet Caleb, Makayla, Dakota and Griffin. When her mom entered, Makayla held her breath.
"Breathe, babe." Caleb kissed her head again.
She could do this. She could do it.
Her mom hugged Jeremiah and then Mary. For a moment, they exchanged smiles and pleasantries until she spotted Makayla and walked toward her. Makayla felt like a kindergartener again about to show her mom an art project she'd worked on for months.
"Makayla." Her mom reached over and gave her an awkward one-armed hug and then looked to Caleb. "Caleb. You've sure turned into a fine young man."
He gave her a smile. "I owe some of that to your daughter." He winked at Makayla, making her relax a fraction. He took the small bundle from her arms and held it out to her mom. "Mrs. Devamar. May I present your granddaughter. Madeline Olivia."
Her mom looked from Makayla to Caleb and then back to the baby. Makayla nodded, and her mom reached out and took the small baby from Caleb and pulled her in close. For several minutes, she didn't say anything as she stared down at the baby. When she finally looked up, her eyes were filled with tears.
"She looks just like you," she said. "Absolutely beautiful. You did good, Makayla. You did good."
Makayla's restraint broke, and she threw her arms around her mom's neck, careful not to smoosh her daughter. Her mom hugged her back in a way she'd never hugged Makayla before. The years and anger melted away as Makayla finally saw her mom for who she truly was. Now a mother herself, she knew the love her mother had for her. Even if she couldn't express it, it was there. And from then on, their relationship would never be the same.