Logan snorted. "Is Caleb turning over the passivist leaf?"

Caleb laughed at his older brother. "Hell, no. If this guy doesn't sign the papers and disappear, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep that promise to Makayla."

"I should go with you," said Griffin.

Caleb hugged his little brother. "You need to be with your mate and new baby girl. Have you gotten that child a name yet?"

Griffin shook his head. "We can't agree. We never even discussed having a girl, so we’ve been searching for names on baby name sites. But so far, nothing."

"I still say Logana is a great name for a girl," said Logan.

Griffin snorted. "Yeah, no."

Jeremiah's phone rang, and he walked to the desk in his study and answered it. He held it out to Caleb.

Caleb sighed and took the phone. "Hey, babe."

"Are you going over there?"

"I'm heading over in a few minutes."

Silence permeated the line for a moment. "Are you going alone?"

He looked over at his brother. "Logan is going with me."

"That's good... I think. Caleb, maybe you should send Logan to deal with him alone."

Caleb paused. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes. Of course. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't."

He heard her suck in a sharp breath. "You better not. Because I'm telling you, if you don't come back, I'm painting this whole cabin in pink glitter and burning all your flannels."

Caleb chuckled and rubbed his forehead. "Noted. I'll be home soon."



"I think I really, really like you."

He smiled. "I think I really, really like you too." He hung up the phone and looked at Logan. "Let's do this."

Caleb pulledup to the only motel within thirty miles of Wolf River and stopped his truck near the office. He stared at the run-down façade.

"I can go," said Logan.

"No. I need to do it. She's my mate."

Logan nodded. "All right then."

They both got out, and it struck Caleb how funny it looked to see Logan hop out of his truck in an expensive suit and tie. Logan walked into the office of the motel as Caleb stayed outside and tried to stretch his tension away, unsuccessfully.

Logan exited the office. "He's in seven."

They walked down the sidewalk and stopped in front of a door. Logan knocked, and the television inside switched off.