She stepped into his space until her stomach almost touched his. "You ready for diapers and midnight feedings and no sleep and crying and everything that goes along with taking care of a tiny, screaming person?"

"Well, I figured we could get a nanny or something to help out with that stuff."

She snorted. "You suddenly come into some money I don't know about? Because last time I saw you, you were in a dump apartment living off the money you made selling weed."

"Yeah but... you have a trust fund, right?"

So that was it. He'd found out about her money. That was why he was there.

"Go home." Makayla turned to leave, but Derek grabbed her arm and spun her back around.

"This isn't over, Makayla."

"I think it is." Caleb storming toward them. He grabbed Derek's hand and yanked it from Makayla's arm.

"Touch her again, and I’ll rip your arm off."

Derek looked Caleb up and down. "Seriously? Is this the guy? Is this Caleb?"

Caleb crossed in front of her. "Yeah, I am."

Derek snorted. "Really? This is who you are shacked up with? This lumberjack?"

“Better a lumberjack then a cowardly Rogue.” Caleb spat at Derek’s feet.

Makayla side stepped Caleb as anger rippled off him in waves. "Derek, you really should go before you get yourself hurt."

Caleb’s arm slid around her waist protectively. She laced the fingers of her hand through his.

Derek licked his lips, one of the habits she hated most about him. "I'm not leaving. I have rights. I'm the father."

"You want to be the father? Great." She held out her palm.


"You said you want to be the father. I'm gonna need a thousand dollars for the doctor. I need another grand for the stroller and the cute little baby swing thing that vibrates. For diapers, and oh, I ordered a monitor that has a video camera in it. Then there's the clothes, that's gonna be another grand easy. Bottles, pacifiers, towels, blankets, soap, shampoo, lotion, baby wipes, etc. Let's just say three grand to get started, and then from there, I'll get you a more detailed list."

"You think you're gonna scare me away with that price tag? I know all too well you could pay for all of that out of your trust fund and still have enough money to live off of for the rest of your life."

"Money that you will never see a penny of. But if you want to be part of this baby’s life, I’m happy for you to give me your address, so I can make sure I know where to have the child support summons sent.”

A smile played over Derek's lips, and he looked at Caleb. "You want her? You want to play house with her and my kid? You go right ahead. But you're gonna pay.”

Caleb rushed Derek and grabbed him by the shirt. "Are you blackmailing me?"

"Call it what you want. You pay, I leave."

Caleb pulled him in close. "How about, I beat the shit out of you, and then I let you crawl out of town?"

"You touch me, and I'll take everything you have."

Caleb shoved Derek to the ground.

"Caleb." Makayla grabbed his arm and threaded her fingers through his. His body rippled, close to shifting.

People stepped out of the diner and the hardware store watching the scene.

"You saw that," Derek called. "Everyone here saw him shove me."