"Sounds great."
Makayla waved to Mary who had a strange expression on her face, and Caleb closed the door as Dakota screamed in the background.
Makayla swallowed hard. That was going to be her in a few months.
* * *
Caleb droveout of Wolf River and headed down to the roadhouse. He'd done his best to keep Griffin calm for the past couple of hours, but as the contractions got closer together, he hadn't been able to do a thing to relax Griffin. Makayla showing up had been a blessing as he could hardly stand Dakota’s pain himself. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle Makayla being in that much pain.
They pulled into the roadhouse parking lot and parked. It was a pretty full for a Sunday night. They walked in the door, and Deacon's raspy tenor blared on stage. Caleb scanned the crowd, recognizing every face in the place. Many of them raised their beers to him as he passed, and everyone's eyes scanned Makayla. Caleb forced his wolf down as the beast fought to be let out to dominate every male who gave her a second glance.
They slid into a booth, and Satia approached them smiling brightly.
"Hey. How are you guys?"
"Good. How are you, Satia?"
"Doing the same as when I saw you yesterday. A little sunburnt but good."
Caleb nodded. "Can we get a couple of burgers and fries?"
"Of course. You want them bloody?"
Caleb looked at Makayla. He'd totally forgotten she was a vegetarian. "Oh. Do you not want the burger? I totally forgot."
Makayla smiled. "I want mine rare, please. Extra pickles."
“You got it.” Satia smiled and walked away.
"So, we're completely done with the vegetarian thing, then?"
"You wanted me to be a mountain woman." She reached across and took his hand.
"I want you to be you,” he said. “Even if that means I have to eat the bacon off your veggie burgers for you."
"I'd settle for you clearing more space for a bigger garden."
"Yeah. I've never had a garden before. The squash you grow is great, but some variety would be nice. Tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peas, herbs, stuff like that."
Caleb smiled. "I'll get you together with my mom. She's really good at that stuff."
"Do you think we could plant fruit trees?"
"I don't see why not, but they won't have fruit for years. Berries will produce faster. Blueberries do really well up here. As well as raspberries and huckleberries."
Her eyes softened, and she squeezed his hand. "I have years to wait. But berries sound good in the meantime. I want to try using organic ones I grow for pies and stuff."
"I should take you to the farmers market in Moscow next weekend. You'd love their fruit."
"Our next date."
He liked the idea of them having a date. Something in the future that they would do together.
"Hey guys." Stix approached the table with two cokes, but Caleb could feel the anxiety wafting off him.
"Hey man, what's up?"