"Makayla." He said her name but there was so much more he wanted to say to her. To tell her he wanted her. To beg her to stay with him forever. To tell her... he loved her.

"Caleb..." Her voice came out breathy, and she threw her head back. He watched her as her body pushed against his. Her mouth fell open, and he pulled her to him harder. He wanted to see it. To watch her as he brought her to the edge of ecstasy and to know that he'd done this to her.

Her breathing quickened, and her fangs grew long and then she tensed as every muscle in her body pulled taut. He rocked his hips against hers watching as her face took on the expression of agony mixed with pleasure. A look so completely erotic, he couldn't hold back a moment longer. He exploded as all tension left his body and every muscle became like rubber. He fought to keep a hold of her, rocking them both through their climaxes. His body relaxed, and he fell back as she leaned in and kissed him again. Her soft, warm lips pressed against his, making him never want to do anything else but kiss her.

"Caleb," she whispered. "I think... I think I might like you."

He kissed her again his heart bursting with joy. "I think I might like you too."

Chapter 17

The following morning Makayla awoke to the sounds of people moving around in the house. She sat up to realize that she was still in Caleb's bed, naked. She glanced around for her pajamas only to remember they'd left them by the front door. She walked over to his wardrobe and thumbed through Caleb's clothes before finding a pair of shorts and a flannel to cover herself with. She wasn't going to win any beauty pageants in the outfit but catching his scent on the fabric and the soft warmth of the shirt made her smile anyway.

If someone had told her a month ago that she'd be wearing a blue flannel shirt, she would have told them she'd rather be dead. Now she couldn’t imagine a better piece of clothing.

The door opened, and Caleb entered. He smiled when he saw her then held up her clothes and a cup of tea.

"I figured you wouldn't want my dad and brothers to see you naked."

Her lips twisted into a grin. "I don't know. That could be kinky."

He set the cup down on the nightstand and wrapped her in his large arms. "This body is for no one but me to see."

She dipped her hands into the rear pockets of his jeans. "Oh, really?"

He kissed her soft. "Yes. And I can't tell you how much it turns me on to see you in my shirt."

She chuckled and pulled his hips into hers. "You don't need to tell me, I can already feel it."

He kissed her again, and her stomach fluttered like a giddy schoolgirl’s.

"So, what are they all doing here?"

"I told you we were going to get you a tub and a hot water heater."

"I feel so modern. Are you sure I can handle it? A phone, a tub, a washer and dryer, and hot water? I might ask you for a dishwasher if you aren't careful."

"And I might just get you some internet if you're good."

An unease settled in her chest. "Don't do that."

His eyebrows scrunched together. "What? Get you some internet and satellite television?"

"Yeah. Don't do that."

"Okay. I thought you might want them."

She shook her head. "I don't. I'm happy just the way things are. I like being out here, detached... or, no, maybe that isn't it. Maybe I feelmoreconnected. But, maybe we could get a DVD player? I do miss a good action flick."

He stared at her for a long minute, his eyes soft and full of more love than she'd seen aimed her direction. The night before she'd been so overcome by their lovemaking that she'd wanted to tell him she was ready, that she wanted to bite him and seal their mating. She’d wanted to tell him that she loved him, but she hadn't been able to bring herself to say the words.

"So, I just get to sit here on my butt all day while you guys work?"

He snorted. "Nope, sorry. I have something specific for you to do."

He led her by the hand to a door in the corner.

"You want me to go in the closet?"