Griffin looked up at him then pushed his shoulder into the cabinet. "You have a history of being a knight in shining fur for females in need."

Truth was, Caleb wasn't entirely sure why he'd agreed to take Makayla in. But when he'd heard about her plight, he figured, what the hell?

"Don't get me wrong,” said Griffin. "She's pretty. She just doesn't seem to be the settling down and playing wife kind.”

Caleb screwed in the back of the cupboard. "And what kind of girl do you think she is?" He tried to keep his wolf calm at Griffin’s assessment of her. Though Caleb wasn’t sure what to think of Makayla, his wolf had already formed an attachment Caleb couldn’t understand.

"The kind that prefers Gucci to Outdoor Sportsman and Prada to Target."

"Well, she'll just have to get used to it, won't she?" He didn't need Griffin pointing out all the differences between them. From first glance Caleb had known he didn’t deserve her.

"I wasn't trying to start anything. I just wondered why."

"Because she needed it, and I could provide. It's as simple as that." A lie, but the truth of why he'd said yes to Makayla's mom was too painful to voice. Even to Griffin.

Caleb stepped back and looked at their progress. They had all the cabinets finished except for a corner and the ones above the oven. He smiled at the sight of the beautiful wood surrounding the dark granite counters. He hoped Makayla would like them as much as he did.

"I'll need to go into Moscow to get a stove and range," said Caleb.

"You'll probably want to get a fridge bigger than that mini thing you've got, too."

Caleb glanced into the mud room. "And a washer and dryer. I doubt Makayla is going to want to go into town to the laundromat, or to mom’s." He wondered if she'd want a say in what he bought or if she'd even care.

Griffin chuckled. "Does she even know how to do laundry?"

Caleb had a feeling there were a lot of things Makayla would have to learn. He could be patient. After all this was new for her, and he wasn't the easiest of men. Hell, he didn't even have a proper house. But she was going to have to put in some effort as well. The past days with her shut in her room had made Caleb lonelier than ever. His wolf had wanted to get to know Makayla better, and shackling his other half away from hers wasn’t going to last much longer. Just getting her in the same room would help ease his wolf’s curiosity.

The sounds of a vehicle crunching up the drive pulled his attention.

"Girls are back," said Griffin.

"Too bad we didn't finish."

"Get the appliances you need in Moscow tomorrow, and then I'll come over, and we can install everything that’s left on Sunday. I'd hate to have to rip these out because the sizes didn't match though, so make sure you measure right."

Caleb threw a towel at Griffin’s face. “You act like I’ve never done this before.”

Griffin laughed. "I hope they brought food. I'm starving."

"You could have had anything you wanted," Caleb replied.

Griffin clapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry man, but after getting spoiled by Dakota's amazing meals again, there's no way I could go back to eating out of a can."

It sure would be nice to get a home cooked meal. Not that Caleb expected Makayla to do all the cooking or anything, but he had hoped for a few perks from getting married.

The front door opened, and the women walked in carrying several bags. Griffin rushed to Dakota's side and took the bags from her.

"Griff, I'm not made of glass. I can carry some groceries into the kitchen."

"But why would you when I'm right here to help?" He kissed her cheek, and she shook her head.

Caleb jogged toward Makayla. "Need some help?"

"I'm fine." She gave him a tight smile and set the bags on the island.

She looked at the cabinets and then ran her hand over the nearest one.

He’s stomach clenched as he awaited her verdict.