Chapter Five

Makayla hadn't left her room in four days. Unable to resign herself to her fate, she tried to devise a plan to get her mom to let her go home—so far, to no avail. No matter her excuse. No matter her apology. No matter her plea. Once mother's mind was set, there was no changing it.

Outside her window the wind swayed the trees. The leaves had just begun to bud in the soft spring light, and grass sprouted from underneath the last bits of morning frost. What would the temperature be in Los Angeles today? There, people would be dressed in shorts and flip-flops, sunning on the beaches and splashing in the ocean. Here, she wore a long-sleeved shirt and pants, and still she needed a sweater to keep warm.

The gravel drive crunched under the wheels of a Jeep as it pulled up to the front of the cabin. A guy jumped out of the driver's seat and ran around to the passenger's side. His dark hair and tanned skin bore a striking resemblance to Caleb. A dark-haired woman slid out of her seat, laughed and smacked him on the chest. He pulled her in tight and hugged her. Makayla’s ribcage squeezed at the sight. She'd never had someone care about her that much except her dad.

The man closed the passenger’s door and Makayla's stomach dropped. The woman was pregnant. Really pregnant. Makayla's hand went to her own belly reflexively but she pulled it away and took a deep breath. She tried to place the guy, and a memory flashed in her mind of a fat toddler sitting on Mary's lap.Griffin.Logan and Caleb's baby brother. Meaning the pregnant woman must be his mate Dakota.

Dakota waddled to the front door with Griffin at her side, his hand resting on her lower back. Makayla wondered if Caleb would want to be so doting when she was as wide as the cabin door.

She stepped from the window as a knock sounded from below. She didn't feel like entertaining. Getting used to being up all day and sleeping all night again—the reverse of her LA schedule—was taking its toll both mentally and physically. All she wanted to do now was sleep forever. Her stomach growled, and her vision fuzzed over. Not good. She stumbled to the bed and sat as someone pounded on her bedroom door.

"Makayla?" Caleb called.

She tried to focus on her hands to keep from passing out. Dark spots blurred her vision.

"Makayla?" The door opened. "Makayla!" Heavy footsteps rushed to her side. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and breathed in deep several times. Her eyesight slowly returned like a camera lens opening.

"I'm just a little light-headed."

"Probably from lack of eating."

She bit her tongue keeping back a smart retort. "Probably." She’d done little more than picked at the food he brought her over the past four days.

He held his hand out to her. "Let's get some food in you before you waste away."

She snorted. "In California you're fat if you don't waste away."

He shook his head. "Well this ain't California honey. Here we like our women strong and sturdy. So, let's finally get some calories in you."

Caleb had tried to be kind to her over the past few days. Giving her space. Not prying or demanding anything of her. Making her food. Nothing could pull her out of her melancholy state. Guilt swept through her. He’d been utterly kind to her so far and she’d only been distant.

She tugged the hem of her oversized silk shirt. She wore her only pair of leggings underneath because somehow in the last week she'd stopped fitting into her regular pants. She wasn't sure exactly when it had happened, and she couldn't see too much of a difference in her belly, but her abdomen had gotten firmer. Like she could suddenly feel the organs in her body.

She walked downstairs with Caleb right behind her. Griffin spotted them and stood from the couch.

"You probably don't remember me," he said.

"Griffin, right?" She crossed to him and shook his hand.

"Yeah. And this is my mate Dakota."

"It's very nice to meet you Makayla."

Makayla nodded. "You too."

The group looked at each other for a minute.

"I'm gonna make Makayla some eggs and toast. You guys want some?" Caleb walked into the kitchen.

"No thanks," said Dakota.

"I'm good," replied Griffin.

"Come sit." Dakota patted the spot next to her on the couch.