He nodded. "Yeah, well at least it's not in myhair."
Before she could move, Caleb dumped a handful of flour in her hair, and Makayla shrieked.
Dakota threw up her hands and moved around the counter and out of the kitchen. "Nope. Nope. This pregnant woman is out."
"Traitor," Makayla called. "I thought us pregnant chicks were supposed to stick together."
Caleb chuckled and moved closer to her. "I'm sorry. That was mean. I shouldn't have done that."
She smacked his chest. “Yes, it was. I’ll be trying to get it out of my hair for a week.”
Makayla’s skin flushed at the thought of showering with Caleb.
He brushed her hair, and she picked flour from his beard. His body pressed against hers, and she warmed inside. Her wolf sat up and paid attention to his nearness. He ran a hand down her bare arm, his skin rough and calloused from working. He stopped at her belly and placed his palm on top of it. Makayla held her breath. She'd put on a few pounds in the last weeks finally being able to keep food down. Her hips no longer fit in her jeans, and her belly made everything look like she was hiding a basketball in her pants. They stood together for a moment, neither speaking. A flutter moved in her belly.
Caleb looked up at her and smiled. "Was that…?"
"Yup. It doesn't feel like much now, but soon I think I'm going to feel like a soccer ball in the Super Bowl, I'll be kicked so much."
Caleb chuckled. "You mean the World Cup."
"The Super Bowl is football. The World Cup is for soccer."
"Oh. Well, I never really was into sports."
He kissed her forehead and then brushed flour from her hair again. "You're gonna need a shower to get this out."
"Maybe you could help me." The words came out before she realized she'd spoken them. His gaze intensified, and a heady spicy smell wafted off him. He leaned in even closer, and Makayla's heart thundered like a stampede of elephants.
Dakota cleared her throat from the couch. "Okay, I think that's my cue to leave."
Caleb backed away, and Makayla's wolf whined in protest. "Sorry, Dakota."
She picked up her purse from the table. "Nope, it's all good. I'll just run home and grab a few things and come back later."
Caleb glanced at his watch. "No need. I have to get back to work, anyway. I just wanted to stop by and make sure you girls were doing all right."
The look he gave Makayla had her as hot and bothered as if he’d stripped her bare and licked every inch of her. Whatever was going on with them, it was heating her to the point of her restraint almost going up in flames.
"I'll see you tonight?"
She nodded. "I'll be here."
Caleb walked through the front room to the door and stopped. "By the way, a technician will be out in about an hour to install a phone line."
Dakota laughed, and Caleb winked and then headed out the door. After the door closed, Dakota rounded on her.
"You might turn him into a twenty-first century man after all."
Makayla nodded but said nothing. She wasn't sure that she wanted to change Caleb into a twenty-first century man. She liked him just the way he was.
* * *
"I don't knowwhat to do, Griff." Caleb bit into his sandwich and stared out the windshield of his truck. His feelings for Makayla seemed to be mounting more rapidly than he was prepared for.
"I'm pretty sure you know what to do, you're just scared."