"No ibuprofen, only Tylenol for the pain. And I want to see you back here in one week."

"Absolutely," said Caleb.

Doc looked at him, amused, and then back to Makayla. "And try to get nervous daddy over here to calm down. Maybe get him a beer, or twelve."

Makayla couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Very funny," said Caleb. "I can take her home now?"

Doc nodded. "Unless she can't take your hovering, then she is welcome to stay with me."

Caleb growled, and Doc snorted. “Please, you think I’m intimidated by you, Caleb Reed? I did your circumcision.”

Caleb coughed, and Makayla fought to keep from laughing as she pulled her shirt down. She slid to her feet, and Caleb grabbed her.

"I should carry you."

"I think I can make it, but if it would make you feel better..."

"It would." He lifted her gently, and again she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She had to admit, she liked the feel of being in his arms. With Caleb, she felt safe in a way she’d never experienced before. A safety she never wanted to be without again.

He entered the waiting room and to her surprise the room was full. Mary, Jeremiah, Griffin, Dakota, and even a couple she didn't recognize sat waiting for them.

"Wow, hey," said Makayla.

Jeremiah moved to her side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Clumsy, but fine."

Everyone's expressions held concern as they moved closer to her, laying their hands on her. Never before had she had so many people, especially people she didn't know very well, so concerned about her. She’d heard about the way some packs touched and held and hugged each other, lending strength and support to those they loved, but she’d never experienced it before. The idea that Caleb’s family cared about her that much made her throat squeeze shut.

"And the baby?" asked Mary.

"The baby is fine too,” Caleb told the group before she could reply. “But I need to get Makayla home and rest."

"I'll bring over some dinner," said Dakota.

"She needs to stay off her feet for a few days," said Caleb.

Mary nodded to Dakota. "We'll make sure she does."

A knot in Makayla’s throat just about choked her at the concern and love sent her direction. The connection of everyone touching her soothed her wolf. If it had been anyone else, in any other circumstances she wasn’t sure she would like it. But with these people it felt right. Felt like… family.

Chapter Fourteen

Caleb got Makayla home and up to her bed. He made sure she was settled then straightened her things, unable to get his wolf to calm down. He'd only been this close to losing control to his wolf twice before in his life, and sitting around or going back to work wasn't going to help keep his other half in check.

"You don't have to do that," said Makayla. "I'll clean up tomorrow."

"I don't mind." He hung her shirts up in her closet.

"Please," she said. "Just come sit down."

His wolf propelled him toward the bed wanting to touch her, feel her, make sure she was indeed all right. Caleb sat on the edge of the bed, and she took his hand.

"Doc said I'm going to be okay, and the baby is too."