A moment passed, and then an old man with leathered skin and white hair peered out at them.

"She fell," said Caleb.

Doc opened the door and motioned them inside. "In the back."

Caleb carried her to the exam room and laid her on a paper-wrapped table. The old man followed them in and pulled out a penlight, looking in Makayla's eyes.

"I didn't hit my head," she said. "It's my belly."

He nodded and put the light away. "What happened?"

"I... it was stupid. I saw an eagle and stepped back to get a better look at it and slipped and fell down the stairs at the church."

"Front steps or back?"

A pain coursed through her belly again. "What?"

"Front steps are concrete. Back steps are wood down to grass. Front or back steps?"

"Back steps. I found her on the grass." Caleb grabbed her hand, the look of fear on his face mimicking her own. Doc rolled up her shirt and pulled her leggings down under her belly. He palpitated her abdomen, and Makayla winced.

"It hurts?"

She nodded, her chin quivering.

He laid his hands on either side of her abdomen and waited until the tightening in her muscles relaxed. Then he brought over the ultrasound machine and spread gel on her belly.

Please let the baby be okay. Please, God. Please let the baby be okay. Please. I'll do everything right. Anything you want. Just please, please, let my baby be okay.

More tears leaked from the corner of her eyes, and Caleb bent over and kissed them away. She squeezed his hand as he spoke softly into her ear. She didn’t hear a word he said over the thundering of her own heartbeat, but his soothing tone and just having him near brought her comfort.

Minutes ticked by as Doc studied the baby, with Makayla’s anxiety ratcheting up every minute. It was close to five minutes of Doc poking and prodding and looking at the ultrasound screen.

"Doc, please," Caleb begged. "You're killing us here. Is the baby okay?"

Doc peered at Makayla and Caleb from behind his telescopically thick glasses, his face a mask. "The baby is fine," he finally said.

Makayla let out a hiccupped sob, and Caleb hugged her tight. She sobbed into his flannel shirt, letting his strength and his scent soothe both her and her wolf. Finally, he let go, and she wiped her eyes.

"And what about Makayla? She's okay too?"

Doc nodded. "She's fine. I don't see or feel any tears. I recommend you stay off your feet for a few days. You might feel some Braxton-Hicks contractions like the ones you’ve been feeling today. If they get stronger or closer together, you need to call me immediately."

She nodded.

"And no sex for a few days."

Caleb’s gaze stayed fixed on Doc. He nodded, but she noticed the pink flush working its way up his throat to his ears. Makayla smiled. She'd never seen Caleb's ears go red before.

Makayla bit her lip and laughed.

"Are you taking prenatal vitamins?" asked Doc.


Doc smacked her hand. "You need to be taking those everyday, young lady."

"I'll go right over to the pharmacy and get some today," said Caleb.