She sucked in a deep breath and pushed the tears from her eyes. She wasn't only disgracing herself by acting this way, she was disgracing her father's memory as well. And after everything that had happened, she couldn’t bear the thought of doing that. She’d dug her own pool, now she got to swim in it.
She couldn’t deny the growing affection her wolf had shown whenever Caleb was near. Nor could she deny the way her body responded to his when he came into the room. Even so, she couldn’t afford to let someone else in only to hurt them, or be hurt by them. But… wasn’t that what she was already doing? Wasn’t she already hurting Caleb with her actions?
She ran her fingers over the beautiful cabinets he and Griffin had installed. He’d put them in by hand. For her. He’d picked out appliances. For her. He’d put in electricity and running water… All for her.
The washer beeped, and she pulled herself to her feet, resting her hand on her belly. It'd become heavier in the past two weeks. Almost like her stomach was slowly filling with concrete. Her muscles fluttered under her hand, and she looked down. The strange spasming felt like nothing she'd experienced before.
"I know you're in there," she said feeling silly talking to her stomach.
She rubbed her hand over the small bump that was still barely noticeable. She stared at it, and her wolf chuffed contentedly. A maternal feeling washed over her for the first time. A protectiveness. A tenderness.In less than five months I’ll be a mother.
And once that happened, there was no going back to who she'd been before. Only moving forward.
Moving forward.The thought lightened her spirits.
For the first time in a long time she thought maybe a future might be possible. Maybe… Maybe a future where she wasn't so bad. Maybe this was a chance for her to start over. To reinvent herself. To become a whole new person. How many times had she looked for a way to get out of her mother’s house and become her own woman? To live her life out from under her mother’s scrutinizing gaze? Wolf River wasn’t the place she’d ever imagined spending her life, but if she wanted a new start, a new life, a new her, it very well could be the place to do it. Hell, it was about as opposite from LA as any town she’d ever been in. If she really wanted to change, what better place was there to do it? Maybe she could even do what she and her dad had talked about before he’d died.
For the first time since her father's death she saw hope. A future for herself… Maybe not a future of flannel shirts and cowboy boots… but something else to look forward to. Something to grow. Something to build upon. Something of her own. Where she could stand on her own two feet.
But first, she needed to fix things with Caleb.
Chapter Eight
Caleb pulled up the gravel drive to his cabin, a pit of dread in his stomach. He'd spent the night at Griffin's house. He'd knocked on the door, and Dakota had taken one look at him, hugged him tight, and brought him right inside. They'd eaten, talking about nothing important, then he and Griffin had drunk beer until Caleb couldn't see straight, and he'd crashed in their guest bedroom.
Now back at home he had thirty minutes to shower and get to work. If Makayla wasn't awake, he could be in and out in fifteen.
Caleb took a deep breath and stepped from the cab of his truck. He crunched up the gravel to the porch and stopped. Through the large window in the front of the house he saw Makayla in the kitchen. His stomach pitched violently at the sight. She hadn't been up early any morning except for when she wanted him to take her to town. He stared at her back, trying not to let his wolf awaken at the sight. She'd made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him, and she didn't want their mating, and so it surprised him she was still in the house, let alone in the kitchen.
He opened the front door, and the smell of fried eggs and veggies made his stomach growl. He closed the door, and she turned at the sound. Bags and slight puffiness marred her face but didn’t diminish her beauty. She gave him a soft smile and then looked back to the stove. He crossed the front room and headed for his bedroom.
"I made breakfast."
He stopped. She held out a plate piled with food.
"Oh... uh..." Her eyes pleaded with him to try it. "Okay."
The smile that spread across her face made the world vanish. She tucked her hair behind her ear and set the plate at the counter next to a glass of orange juice. Caleb took a seat and pulled the plate toward him. The eggs were a bit overcooked but he wasn't picky.
She stood back and watched him. Fear gripped him. Please don't let him puke up the food she'd made. He stabbed a chunk of egg with his fork and moved it around a bit. Onions, tomatoes, and lots of small pieces of something green.. He chewed slowly and smiled at her, nodding. He swallowed and picked up another forkful. His mouth blossomed in flames. He coughed and opened his mouth, sucking in breath. Heat scorched his throat and bloomed in his stomach. He reached for the orange juice and chugged it.
"Is something wrong?" Makayla's brow furrowed.
He coughed again and sucked in air. He looked down at the eggs.
"Jalapenos?" he croaked.
She looked at the eggs, and her smile fell. "Oh no! I made them too hot." She dashed for the fridge and grabbed the carton of OJ.
She refilled his glass, and he downed it again. "I'm so sorry."
Caleb breathed in again and looked at her through tear-soaked eyes.
"Are you okay? I’ll throw them out."
She reached for the plate but there was no way he was going to let the eggs go to waste. She’d actually made him something to eat, and dammit, he was going to eat it.
"I just need... some ketchup," he managed.