A salty breeze drifted through the open windows, and the vast expanse of the ocean came into view, stretching endlessly to the horizon. Golden sand dunes rose and fell alongside the road, dotted with clusters of sea oats swaying in the wind, and the sound of crashing waves grew louder as Ethan pulled the truck to a stop.

“I figured this would be a great spot for Benny’s glamour shots. What do you think?”

Beyond the windshield, a stunning coastal panorama unfurled with a wide, empty stretch of sand and foamy waves lapping at the shore.

As Kara’s feet touched the sand, memories flooded back like the tide. This wasn’t just any beach. It wastheirbeach, where she and Ethan shared their first date. She smiled, remembering how it had all started. She could still taste the syrupy-sweet snow cones, fingers sticky, lips stained with bright colors. They’d spent hours talking, completely unaware of the passage of time, forgetting life’s worries—they’d also forgotten sunscreen.

The next morning, they’d showed up to work lobster-red. The entire shift, Kara and Ethan had exchanged secretive glances, stifling laughter as they commiserated over their shared sunburn.

And now, strangely, the thought of that sunburn brought a warmth to her chest. She glanced at Ethan, wondering if he’d chosen this spot deliberately, if he too was thinking of that day that she’d hold on to forever.

“It’s perfect,” she said.

Ethan smiled as he picked up Benny’s leash, helping the dog out of the truck. “His coat will really pop against the sand and water. Let’s head over there.” He gestured toward the shoreline. “What do you think, Benny?” Ethan crouched down to Benny’s level. “Ready, boy?”

Benny released an excited bark, spinning in a quick circle.

Ethan looked at Kara, then back at Benny. “How about we let him off the leash for a bit? We might get some better shots that way.”

“As long as it’s not for too long.”

“We’ll be quick.” Ethan unclipped Benny’s leash at the waterline. “Okay, Benny? Can you sit?”

The senior dog lowered his bottom, tilting his head as he looked at Ethan.

“Should’ve brought some treats,” Ethan murmured, pulling out his phone.

Kara dug into her pocket. “You mean these?” She tossed one to Benny, who caught it mid-air. “Perks of the job—I’m basically a walking treat dispenser these days.”

Kara eyed his phone and chuckled. “That phone looks as old as your truck. No offense, but maybe we should use mine. It’s not the latest model or anything, but at least it’s from this decade.”

Ethan clutched his phone to his chest. “First my truck, now my phone? Ouch.” He held out his hand. “Alright, let’s see this supposedly superior device of yours.”

Kara grinned, fishing her phone out of her pocket and handing it over. Their fingers brushed as he took it, sending a tiny spark through her.

“Well, well,” Ethan said, examining it. “I suppose you were right.” He aimed Kara’s phone at Benny and started snapping. “Benny! ... Benny! Over here. That’s right. Look at me!”

Finding a comfortable spot, Kara settled into the sand, her eyes never leaving Ethan and Benny. She watched as Ethan coaxed the old dog through a series of poses. Then, with a burst of playful energy, Benny darted along the surf, with Ethan jogging beside him, capturing the joyful moment.

Kara stood, brushing the sand from her shorts. “Hey, don’t I get to play photographer’s assistant or something? What can I do?”

Ethan glanced over his shoulder. “Actually, yeah. Could you grab some more treats? And maybe stand behind me—we might be able to get Benny to look straight at the camera.”

Kara followed his suggestion, standing behind him, holding a treat above the phone.

After a few more clicks, Ethan lowered the phone. “I think we’ve got enough to work with. Wanna see if we captured Benny’s good side?”

Kara nodded, huddling close to Ethan as he swiped through Benny’s photos. They looked at each one together, laughing at the funny ones and fawning over the adorable pictures of Benny. The familiar warmth of Ethan’s body next to hers sent a tingle down her spine.

As they scrolled, memories washed over Kara. She could almost feel the rough texture of old Polaroids between her fingers, remembering how they had once cuddled close, choosing their favorite snapshots together.

A gentle breeze tousled Ethan’s hair, stirring a familiar urge in Kara to run her fingers through it, just like before. Her heart raced as the closeness between them sank in. Without a second thought, she linked her hand around Ethan’s arm, resting her head on his shoulder. The simple weight of her head against him felt like slipping into a memory—like coming home.

Ethan’s thumb froze mid-swipe. Slowly, he turned toward her. His free hand reached up, fingers grazing her cheek before tipping her chin upward. Kara’s breath hitched as her eyes met his. Those familiar, striking blue eyes—deeper than the ocean at their back—drew her in, just as they had so many times before.

Kara’s pulse quickened, the blood roaring in her ears. Ethan’s eyes flickered to her lips, then back to her eyes—a question and an invitation in one look.

“Kara,” Ethan whispered, his breath warm against her skin, sending a shiver coursing through her.