“You’ve built something incredible already. Now we’re just fine-tuning it.” Ethan smiled, checking his phone before sliding some bills onto the table.

Kara’s hand instinctively went to her purse. “Oh, let me chip in—”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s on me.”

Kara felt a flutter in her chest at his gesture. It was such a small thing, but it felt significant somehow.

Ethan rose from his seat, arching his back in a stretch. “Well, I hate to say it, but we should probably think about heading out. You good to go?”

Kara nodded, though her heart sank a little. “Yeah, I suppose so,” she said, unable to keep a small sigh from escaping.

Does this night have to end?



Ethanturnedthekeyagain, pumping the gas pedal as if willing the truck to roar to life. No luck.

He let out a breath and looked at Kara. “Could be the battery. I’ll get out and look.”

With a resigned sigh, Ethan reached for the door handle. As he eased out of the driver’s seat and lifted the creaking hood, the soft thud of the passenger door echoed behind him.

A few seconds later, Kara appeared at his side.

“Hey, you don’t have to get out. I’ll only be a sec,” Ethan said, glancing back at Kara.

Kara shrugged. “It’s no big deal. Besides, who’d be your trusty flashlight holder?” She flicked on her phone’s flashlight.

“Fair enough. Just, uh, watch out for the grease. Don’t want it to get on that pretty dress of yours.”

Or pretty you.

“Please, I’m always covered in something—dog hair, mud, you name it. But thanks for the consideration.” Kara edged closer, her arm brushing his. “This work for you?”

Ethan swallowed hard. “Yeah, uh, perfect. Thanks.”

Kara moved closer, peering into the engine. “So, what’s your diagnosis? Battery issue, or something else?”

Ethan’s eyes flicked to the battery, but his focus lingered on her. “Oh, uh ... Yeah. Pretty sure it’s the battery.”

Kara turned, her face only inches from his, lowering the flashlight. “Are you sure?” Her voice softened, barely above a whisper.

Ethan’s breath caught in his throat as he met her gaze. He swallowed, nodding slowly. “Uh, I think so.”

In that moment, as their eyes locked, the years between them melted away like snow in springtime. Then the world around him seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them. The space between them shrank, and her lips parted slightly.

His heartbeat thundered in his ears, every muscle in his body tightened, drawn to her like gravity. All he could think about was closing the distance, but he didn’t. He hovered there, inches away, his gaze on her—waiting, wanting.


Instinct kicked in before thought, and Ethan stepped in front of Kara, one arm extended as he shielded her from the sudden noise. His hand brushed her shoulder, steadying her as he glanced around.

Kara blinked, dazed, her arms crossing over her chest. “What was that?”

Ethan turned, heart still racing, right in time to see his old neighbor pulling up beside them. The tension in his shoulders eased, but his arm lingered near Kara, as if reluctant to let the moment slip.

“You all right there, Ethan?” Clyde called out. Jumping out of his truck, he walked over to them. “Car trouble?”