Ethan started the engine and pulled away from the curb before turning down the radio. “So, yeah, how’s your day been?”
Kara turned to him with a smirk. “Um, you do remember spending most of it with me, right?”
“Yeah, yeah. I meant after I left. What’d you do?”
Kara shrugged, fingers toying with the hem of her dress. “Oh, you know, the glamorous life of a rescue owner. Sorting through endless vet bills, brainstorming for the next adoption event, and trying to find enough donations to keep the lights on. Living the dream.” She glanced at him. “What about you? Any earth-shattering developments since this afternoon?”
Ethan drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “No, nothing really.”
“I guess no news is good news, right?” Kara gestured toward the stereo. “Mind if I change it?”
“Yeah, sure. Go for it.”
Kara reached for the stereo, pressing play on the CD that was already in. Her eyes widened as familiar notes filled the truck. “No way! Is this what I think it is?”
“Yep, that’s the one. Our infamous mix CD. It’s kind of been a permanent fixture in here over the years.”
Kara burst into laughter. “I can’t believe you kept this! Remember our Limewire marathons? Hours of downloading, praying we wouldn’t destroy your computer?”
“How could I forget? Pretty sure my computer is still recovering from all those viruses. Worth it, though.”
As they cruised down the familiar streets, the opening notes of a song drifted from the speakers. The gentle guitar strums and soft vocals transported Kara back to their first date—she could almost feel the warmth of Ethan’s hands on her waist as they swayed to this melody.
More memories rushed in—stargazing in the bed of this truck after late pharmacy shifts, sneaking out to the beach, sharing hopes and dreams in whispered conversations. This blue Chevy had been a place where two teenagers in love could escape the world. But the last memory struck her—a promise Ethan never kept.
Kara shook her head slightly, pushing the thought away.
Before she knew it, Ethan was pulling into the parking lot of Phil’s Diner.
They climbed out and made their way inside. Ethan held the door open for her as Phil’s booming voice carried across the diner. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Good to see you kids!”
“Hey, Phil.” Kara waved, casting a side glance at the diner full of patrons. “Anything open for us?”
Phil jerked his thumb toward a booth by the window. “Got a spot right there. Give me a sec, and I’ll bring y’all some menus.”
Ethan nodded, leading the way over. Kara sat down first with her back toward the rest of the diner. Ethan slid in across from her.
Phil bustled over, his round belly preceding him, and the menus tucked under one arm. “Here we go.” He slapped the laminated menus down on the table with a practiced flourish. “What’ll it be for drinks?”
“Sweet tea would be great,” Ethan said.
Kara glanced up from her menu. “Make that two. Thanks, Phil.”
Phil nodded and turned on his heel, heading back to the kitchen.
What if I spill something on my dress? Ugh, I should’ve ordered water ... but water’s free and then he might think things are worse than they are. They aren’t great though ... but not that bad either. Okay, just breathe.
Kara turned her attention to the menu, her eyes drifting over the words without really reading them.
Right, what’s light, healthy and won’t make Ethan think I eat too much or make me look like I need rolling out of here when we’re done.
She stared at the menu, her gaze glazing over its contents.
Kara chuckled, shaking her head. “Why am I even pretending to read this? Pretty sure I could recite it in my sleep by now.”
Ethan leaned back with a wry smile. “Tell me about it. Not much has changed since the last time we—”
Phil returned, holding two glasses of sweet tea. “All right, here you go,” he said, setting the drinks down with a clink. He wiped his hands on his apron and pulled out a notepad. “Ready to order?”