Can’t be late.
He rushed to slip on his shoes, then darted to the kitchen and grabbed the pill bottle off the counter, frowning.
Only one left after this.
Ethan pulled out his phone and fired off a quick email to his psychiatrist’s office:
Dr. Hartman,
Where did you send my new prescription? Didn’t get an update. I’m down to my last pill.
He swallowed the pill with a gulp of water, then patted his pockets.
Wallet. Where’s my wallet?
Ethan spun around, scanning the counters. There it was, right next to where the pill bottle had been. He snatched it up, shoving it into his back pocket.
“Hero! Gotta run. I’ll be back later, buddy!” he called out.
Hero trotted over and Ethan kneeled quickly, giving him a quick kiss on the head. “Be a good boy, okay?”
Just as Ethan reached the front door, he halted.
The notebook.
Spinning on his heel for what he hoped was the final time, he rushed back to his bedroom, grabbed the notebook from the bed, and tucked it under his arm. With one last glance at his phone—6:52 p.m.—Ethan dashed out the door, praying he’d make it to Kara’s on time.
Karasteppedoutontothe gravel driveway, the crunch beneath her sandals sounding sharp in the quiet as Ethan’s truck rolled to a stop.
He hopped down from the driver’s seat, his boots hitting the ground with a soft thud, and strode over to the passenger door.
Taking a deep breath, Kara broke the ice first. “Wow, you actually made it on time. I’m impressed.” She paused, then added with a chuckle, “too soon?”
“Nah, it’s never too soon.” A sheepish grin spread across Ethan’s face. “Also, I think we both know I had that coming.”
Kara shifted under Ethan’s gaze, smoothing her light blue sundress, the cotton soft beneath her fingers as the warm evening breeze teased the hem.
As if reading her thoughts, Ethan’s eyes traveled over her outfit. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”
Kara’s breath caught in her throat, a warm flutter spreading through her chest, and she too found herself momentarily stunned by Ethan’s appearance—the light blue button-up shirt hugging his broad shoulders, tucked neatly into dark wash jeans that tapered down to his boots.
“Thanks. You clean up pretty nice yourself.” She grinned and gestured to his hair. “Getting some seriousTop Gunvibes there, Maverick.”
Ethan’s blue eyes glinted as he leaned slightly toward her. “Well, if I’m Maverick, does that make you my Goose? Well, minus the part where Goose, you know ...”
The quip sent a little spark through Kara, but before she could respond, he swung open the passenger door with a playful bow and offered his hand. “Need help getting up?”
“I think I can manage, thanks.” She hoisted herself up into the seat, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as Ethan closed the door and rounded the truck.
A faint trace of Ethan’s old cologne lingered in the air—spice with an afternote of wood and a hint of something warm like amber. It was the same scent he used to wear all those years ago. Her eyes roamed over the dashboard, taking in the worn steering wheel and the old coffee stain on the center console. It was as if time had barely touched the truck, and yet, so much had changed between them.