Ethanglancedaroundthelobby of Second Chance Animal Rescue, his eyes drawn to pastel-colored bags of heart-shaped dog treats lining the reception desk. Something about their whimsical appearance made him smile.
“Ethan?” Kara’s voice carried across the lobby.
He spun around and his heart stuttered as she stepped through the door.
“Oh, hey Kara.” His voice cracked slightly. “I’m here to volunteer.” He cleared his throat. “If you still need me, I mean my help, that is.”
“Oh, um, sure. I mean, yes, that sounds, that sounds great!” She paused, seeming to gather herself. “We can definitely use the help.”
A silence bloomed between them, stretching like taffy. Ethan’s eyes darted back to the heart-shaped treats, as if they might whisper the perfect words to say next ...
“When we spoke yesterday, it, uh, it sounded like something fun to do while I’m in town. And I was curious to check the place out, so here I am.”
Kara’s gaze flickered to the corner before returning to him as though she were still deciding if letting him back into her world was a good idea. “Right, okay. How about we start with a quick tour?”
Ethan nodded. “Lead the way.”
Kara gestured around them, her voice shifting to a more professional tone. “So, this is our lobby. Normally, we’d have someone at the desk handling questions, arranging animal visits, that sort of thing. Anyway, the kennels are through here.”
As Kara turned back toward the doors that led to the kennels, Ethan rushed over and grabbed one of the handles, holding the door open for her, which started up the cacophony of barks.
She smiled.
He grinned—like a fool.
Swallowing hard, he stepped inside after her and was struck by how clean the place was. The floors gleamed, and there wasn’t a trace of the typical animal rescue smell he’d been bracing himself for.
Kara raised her voice over the barking. “Welcome to the kennels! Some dogs are still in the yard—I was cleaning when you arrived. Mind if we pause the tour to bring them in?”
“No problem,” Ethan said, rolling up his sleeves.
Kara’s face brightened. “Let me get the leashes.”
Ethan followed Kara down the aisles and over to a door in the corner where pegs were adorned with an array of different-colored leashes ranging in every size.
Kara reached for a bundle of them. “Think you can handle leashing them up? Then we can walk them back.”
“Sure thing,” Ethan said with a nod. “After you.”
Bright sunlight streamed through the doorway as Ethan stepped outside. The yard was alive with activity thanks to a motley crew of canines, from a towering Great Dane to a tiny Chihuahua, and everything in between. Some chased each other in playful circles, while others were content to roll in the grass, tongues lolling out in canine bliss.
Ethan noted how the grass, well-maintained and lush, still sparkled with traces of morning dew. A majestic oak tree stood at the far end, providing a patch of shade. Then he saw the bounty of canine entertainment: tennis balls, brightly colored frisbees, and an array of squeaky toys strewn about like offerings for the ruling pups of this domain.
“This must be what Dog Heaven looks like.”
Kara’s melodious laughter tickled his ears.
Ethan scanned the scene, counting the dogs.One, two, three ... seven, eight ...He lost track somewhere in the mid-teens, and decided to just take a tangle of leashes from Kara’s outstretched hand. The cool metal clips created a soft chime as they collided.
“There are so many of them.” Ethan’s eyes widened. “Must take a small army to manage everything.”
The corners of Kara’s mouth lifted in a smile that was equal parts pride and exhaustion. “It’s actually just me most days,” she said with a shrug. “Hasn’t always been like this, but you know how things change.”
Ethan snapped his head around. “Wait, what? How do you even—I mean, that’s amazing.”