
He tried again, this time with both hands.

The door wouldn’t budge.

A string of curses hissed under his breath.

Ethan swiped the foggy window clear and pressed his forehead against the cool glass. The deflated airbag draped over the steering wheel like a discarded parachute, partially obscuring the driver’s face, but not completely. Through the makeshift veil, he could see a young woman with her head lolling against the seat.

“Hey!” Ethan pounded on the window, hard enough to make his knuckles throb. “Can you hear me? Say something!”

No response.

Hero’s barks turned into a whine before his ears pricked forward, head tilted as if he were trying to understand.

Ethan’s heart slammed against his ribs as he shoved a hand into his pocket, fingers grasping for his phone.


He checked his other pocket.

Still nothing.

Spinning around, he bit his lip and shot a desperate look in the direction of the house.

There it was, clear as day in his mind—his phone, lying useless on the kitchen counter—might as well be in another galaxy.

His gaze darted between the unconscious woman and the distant house.

He needed to call for help, but he couldn’t just leave her here ...



“Missedyou!”Emmarushedtoward Kara and pulled her into a hug.

Kara held her close for a moment. “It’s so good to see you, Em!” She stepped back and crouched. “And you too, Riley boy.” The golden retriever’s fluffy tail swiped back and forth like a windshield wiper as he pushed his cool, wet nose into her palm. “Feels like only yesterday he was a stray here. Remember the day you took him home?”

Emma laughed, tugging gently on Riley’s leash. “How could I forget? And now look at him—total diva.”

“Well, he did win the Fall Festival Mascot Contest last year. He’s basically a small-town A-lister.”

“Don’t remind him.” Emma smiled, then gestured toward the parking lot. “Anyway, got some goodies for you. Come on.”

Kara trailed the two to Emma’s car. “Em, you didn’t have to bring anything. Seeing you is enough.”

“Oh, stop.” She popped open the trunk, revealing two colorful boxes, then placed them into Kara’s arms. “Here ya go.”

Kara adjusted her grip as the weight tugged her arms down. “What are these? Bricks?”

“Only the latest and greatest flavor of Riley’s Recipe treats. Banana and pumpkin. Sounds weird, I know, but trust me on this one.”

“I’m honored,” Kara said as they walked back into the rescue. She glanced at Riley with a knowing smirk. “Let me guess—he’s already given these his seal of approval?”

“He’s ob-sessed,” Emma said. “Ain’t that right, boy?”

Riley’s haunches hit the ground with a thud, his tail sweeping an arc across the floor. His eyes ping ponged between Kara and Emma, ears perked forward, pink tongue peeking out.