Page 10 of Daycare Santa

Waving her over, Luca said, “Mommy, look at this.”

She glanced at the wall, then nodded. “It’s nice.”

“Nice?” He pulled back his head, frowning. “It’s more than that. It’s waaaayyyyy cool.”

Raising both hands in a gesture of surrender, she said, “Yes, it is.”

Today, Regina Wright wore wide-legged navy pants and a shirt a few shades lighter. She approached the counter, and Zack couldn’t hide his smile.

Lady Luck had brought him the woman who hadn’t left his mind since Saturday. He didn’t know exactly what it was about her that affected him so, but there was a certain something to Gina that he wanted the opportunity to figure out.

Her gaze settled on him where he stood, one hand resting on the counter. Regina’s eyes widened, and he saw rather than heard her sharp inhale. She swept the room in a glance, then asked, “What areyoudoing here?”

“You make that sound so rude.”

She avoided looking his way, as if embarrassed. That was the last response he was after, but still ... he paid attention when she sighed.

“Forgive me. It’s been a stressful time.” Her smile was disarming and knocked him sideways. Regina was one fine woman who didn’t know how dangerous she was to his equilibrium. Not to mention his libido that had gone into hibernation mode.

“I understand.” He dipped his head toward her. “Sorry if I came across a little strong.”

She held out one hand, which he held between his as she continued speaking. “I’m Regina, as you already know, and you are?”

“Isaac Winters. But everybody calls me Zack.”

He was certain her dark irises grew larger while he introduced himself, and Zack could only catch his breath when their hands separated.

Regina flashed another smile. “Now we have that out of the way, how come you’re here?”

“This is my sister’s business ... I work here. Kind of, anyway.”

Her smooth forehead crumpled in a frown. “In a daycare?”

Tipping one brow, he asked, “Is something wrong with that?”

She fidgeted with the onyx pendant at her neck, then cleared her throat. “You work with children?”

“I won’t be the first or last man to do so.”

“Guess not.” She laid her purse on the counter and scanned the area behind the counter. “Where is the rest of the staff?”

Zack pointed over his shoulder at a door in the wall. “With the children.”

She narrowed her eyes. “How come I don’t hear them?”

“The walls are soundproof.”

When she angled her head to the side as though the idea was suspect, he added, “It’s challenging to do business in the front office with noise coming from the back.”


Her relief was comical, and he slid a hand over his mouth to wipe away his amusement, but his smile refused to disappear.

“Can I tour the facility before I decide whether to register Luca?”

At the sound of his name, Luca trotted across the floor to stand next to his mother. “This place looks like fun.”

Regina tapped his chin. “First, we have to see if it’s suitable.”