Page 7 of Daycare Santa

Chapter 3

“Santa said that sometimes, boyfriends are not what mommies need.”

Gina fastened the seatbelt and spoke over her shoulder. “Luca, please sit back and strap yourself in.”

While he did as she instructed, Gina continued, “And Santa is right.”

At her disapproving look, Mom shrugged. “You were seeing Boyd, so Luca knows about relationships.”

“I don’t want my son to think I’m needy, so I would appreciate if you don’t give—”


Gina met Luca’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

“What’s needy?” he asked.

“I’ll explain later.”

She drove out of the parking spot and joined the line of vehicles leaving the plaza. The Hyundai Staria idled while Gina’s mind rolled back to business and how she was going to handle the season without Nichelle.

Each time the woman came to mind, several seconds passed before Gina remembered what happened earlier in the day. A weight settled in her stomach, and she steered her thoughts from the bizarre scene in her office.

She was about to press the gas pedal when someone tapped the window. The sound startled her, and she jerked sideways.

A man stood outside, motioning for her to wind her window down. The wire-rimmed glasses told her who it was. One side of her mouth puckered, but she did as he requested. “We meet again. How can I help you?”

He lifted a thumb toward the back of her van. “Your trunk is open.”

Gina glanced behind her instead of looking at the dashboard, then gave a tiny shake of the head. “I forgot to close it when I put the last of the stuff inside. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. It’s my pleasure. I didn’t want to touch without your permission.”

Her gaze shot to his face. Why did she think he meant something else? But his eyes were clear and guileless. Or, perhaps that was what he wanted her to think.

He sauntered to the back of the van and snapped it shut. As he did, she studied his tall, muscular frame. She had to admit Santa had it going on. The smile that came to her face vanished when Mom said, “Now, that’s a nice young man.”

Gina refused to comment. If she did, Mom would try to make something of what wasn’t there. Her remedy for the disaster with Boyd was to “immerse herself with someone worth her time.” A few hours later was way too early for that.

She had the window half-way up when he waved from her bumper. “Take care.”

“Thank you.”