Her eyes went watery again, but she straightened in the seat.
“That’s ... that’s beautiful.”
“It’s my reality. Our reality. Alana taught me so much by doing me a disservice. Like I told you, I’m all in. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re in or out.”
Gina tapped her thumb against the desk in a staccato rhythm. Then she looked directly at him. “It’s funny you should say that because for the past week, you’ve definitely been out.”
As he opened his mouth to speak, Zack checked himself and the snappy remark he’d been about to make. He wanted Gina to understand his intentions. “I was giving you space to decide about us. To decide what you want. If I’m the man you need.”
“If that’s the case, why didn’t you say something yesterday?”
“The time wasn’t right, nor was the place.” He lightened his tone as he teased, “A daycare isn’t the ideal spot to tell someone you love them.”
Gina sucked in a harsh breath and coughed into the inside of her elbow. After clearing her throat, she stared at him with her eyes pulled wide. “What did you say?”
“Your ears work fine. You heard every word I said.”
She sighed and sank lower in the chair. “You came to shatter whatever nerves I have left, didn’t you?”
Zack chuckled, and she laughed with him until he shook his head.
“No, that wasn’t my intention. I came to get my woman. That’s if she’s ready.”
She fixed her gaze past him and was silent so long, he wondered if he’d come on too strong. Then she sighed. “Can you forgive me, Zack?”
Frowning, he asked, “For what?”
“I’m about to have a meltdown because of everything that’s happening, and in the middle of that, here you are, saying you love me when I’ve acted like an idiot.”
A tremor ran through her voice, which told him how much it cost to expose her vulnerability. If it was possible, he loved her more in that moment than he did before. He walked around the desk to urge her out of the seat. “There’s an easy fix for that.”
“And what might that be?” she asked, sliding both arms around his waist. “Although I suspect what you’re going to say.”
“They say great minds think alike.” His grin was wide enough to hurt his cheeks. “Tell me you love me and I’ll forgive everything.”
“I kinda figured that’s what you’d say.” She cupped his cheeks and stared deep into his eyes before trailing soft kisses from his lips, over his beard, and up to his ear. “Zack Winters,” she whispered, “I love you the way little children love Santa Claus.”
He burst out laughing. “I hate to tell you, but that doesn’t count.”
“Of course it does. Ask Luca, if you don’t believe me.”
The joy in her laughter warmed his heart as contentment spread through him. Although it was early days yet, he couldn’t wait for Gina to meet his parents. He also needed to tell her about his residency situation but from what he saw, this Christmas was about to be the best one ever. He kissed her forehead, then whispered, “I definitely will ask him, but all jokes aside ...”
Gina placed a finger over his lips. “I love you, Zack, and I love how you love me.”
“That’s more than enough for me,” he said, covering her lips with his.