Page 38 of Daycare Santa

Gina’s eyes accused Zack of putting her on the spot, so he raised both hands and mouthed, “Your call.”

She tipped her head to one side as if to be certain he was okay with Luca’s request.

At his nod, Gina advanced into the room with Luca walking backward. She held him by the shoulders to keep him steady. “Sure, some other time.”

“When?” Luca squinted, as though he wasn’t certain it would happen.

“Soon.” Zack stood and rubbed the boy’s head. “I enjoyed the game. Have fun with Auntie.”

“Remember not to have him up too late,” she said to Seya, who wandered into the living room carrying a glass of water.

“We’ll be fine. Luca won’t be any trouble.”

“Right, because he’ll wrap you around his finger and you’ll forget you’re supposed to be in charge.”

Seya’s sheepish grin was all the confirmation Zack needed to believe Gina was right, and her sister knew it.

After he helped Gina inside the car and started the engine, Zack caught her smiling as she buckled the seatbelt.

“Mind saying what’s so funny?”

“Actually, I’ve wondered how you got in and out of this car, seeing that it’s so close to the ground.”

“Now you know it’s not as low as it looks, right?”

“Oh, it’s still toddler height. Now I’m figuring out how you’ll manage when your knees decide it’s too much work.”

Chuckling, he backed out of the driveway. “See, you’re assuming things. When I’m a dad, there’s no way a Maserati will work for me.”

“Oh, so you have plans?”

“Of course. I want a wife and kids, the station wagon, the whole nine yards.”

When he pulled away from the sidewalk, she asked, “Isn’t the station wagon dated?”

“You’re right. Maybe a Ford Transit that seats fifteen would be better.”

A horrified expression flitted across Gina’s face, which made him burst out laughing. “I was joking.”

She placed a hand on her chest and exhaled. “I was wondering which poor woman would dare take that adventure with you.”

They went around a corner, and onto the main road before he looked at her again. The shadows hid her face, but he couldn’t help teasing. “I figure a family car that seats six might work better.”

Gina shook her head, as though dazed. “Clearly, you have the resources to take care of eight people.”

“I do.” He sighed when Alana, and the time he’d wasted, crossed his mind. “But I should have gotten a move on already if I had that sort of plan.”


“But the twin thing might make life easier.” His grin was wicked, but he winked as she added, “I mean six in three attempts, if we’re lucky.”

“Remind me again.” Gina put one finger to her chin. “What did your brother say about you being extra and intense?”

Her words pulled more laughter from him. For a while, the smooth jazz coming from the radio and the muted horns outside were the only sounds between them. Then Zack said, “Can I ask you something?”

Gina turned her head toward him. “Depends on what it is.”

“How did you deal with finding out about your friend and what’s-his-name?”