Fuck, where is all this coming from?
I didn’t know, but I didn’t want to get rid of it. I didn’t want to get rid of her.And I didn’t know what to do, either, but I wanted to make her feel better.
“I fucking hate it when it rains.”
Stunned and completely caught off-guard, she stuttered, “W-What?”
“The rain?” I repeated. “I fucking hate it.”
Serena blinked. After a heartbeat of silence, she asked, “Why?”
Because it made me remember all of it. The artistic red splash on the wall, bloodied brown hair, and lifeless blue eyes. It was one of the many deathsmyfather had caused that I couldn’t forget, no matter how hard I tried. That very one followed me,hauntedme even in my fucking dreams, accusing me of being part of her killers.
Serena was still waiting for a response, and I realized I had already said too much. I wasn’t sure I was ready to deal with her prying or picking at my own fucked up past.
Now,thatwas laughable.
If only she knew the horrors of my own family, the turmoil that came with having my kind of father. If she did, she might have some tiny bit of appreciation that her daddy didn’t force her to watch him cut men’s throats open when she was young. All hers did was abandon them. If I was given a choice at that age, I might have picked that option.
“Forget about that.” Tucking my hands into my pocket, I backed away from the bed. “I want us to move to the bedroom downstairs.”
Confusion caused a crinkle in her brows, and her eyes widened. “What, why? I don’t get it; one minute, you’re saying you hate it when it rains, and the next minute, you want us to have a bedroom downstairs? Make me understand because you’re losing me here, Timur.”
Like I’d ever let that fucking happen. She had a long thing coming if she thought I was going to watch myself lose her.
“I did some research and saw somewhere that stairs aren’t safe for pregnant women. It might still be early in this trimester—is that how they say it?—but I want to make sure you andourbaby are safe.”
Serena opened and closed her mouth like a fish would.
I knew I’d shocked us both by indirectly proving to her again that I cared.
When the doctor had said Serena was pregnant, I tried to process the news but couldn’t. I was going to be a father when I didn’t know the first shit I was supposed to about fatherhood. Mine didn’t leave the best impression, and I didn’t expect herto conceive early into our marriage. We’d barely marked a one-month anniversary. But if there was one thing I knew, it was that the protection of wife and child were the first priority. Before deciding whether to learn how to change a diaper, I had to keep them safe. And if recommended sources on the internet said stairs weren’t safe for pregnant women, then we were moving downstairs.
A small smile danced on Serena’s lips as she leaned back. “Are you sure you read that somewhere, or was it a recommendation from your doctor friend?”
Folding my arms across my chest, my brows furrowed, and I raised one at her. “My doctor friend?”
“Yeah? Thehottiefrom the hospital. When I woke up, I saw her talking to you, and it was not about the pregnancy.”
The light was slowly returning to her eyes, and I was willing to play along to keep it that way.
“She was bragging about their top-notch medical facilities and services, trying to sell the hospital.”
“Or trying to sell herself? She was really into you, you know?”
If she was trying not to show signs of jealousy, she was doing a terrible job. The side of my lips curved to a smirk. “And you know this because?”
“She had her eyes on you the entire time we were there. I bet, if I wasn’t in the room, she’d have literally thrown herself into your arms to be caught by you.”
I moved a shoulder. “I wouldn’t know; I had my eyes onyouthe entire time, and I’m not interested in catching anyone who is not my wife. They could sink into the fucking ground for all I care.”
There was a small, intense zap, like a shock of heated electricity between us, and judging by the rising scarlet dustingher cheeks, I knew she held her breath. I inched forward, and I wasn’t sure for what.
To act on impulse and kiss her? Or to just be close to her?
Whatever it was, in that moment, I wasn’t thinking.