Through my reflection in the mirror, I watched my cheeks flush a deeper shade of scarlet, and my body tingled in excitement. I didn’t even know when I laughed out loud.
What are you thinking, Serena?
And yet, despite the million and one reasons I had to desist from taking any step closer to the bed, one reason posed to be the most convincing, forcing me to abandon thoughts about right and wrong until I lay my back on the soft mattress, spread-eagle style:
I missed him.
“Oh, Serena.” I heard the nerves in my voice and pinned my eyes to the smooth ceiling above me.
Clutching the sheets with one hand in a vise grip, I spread my legs wider. The cold air hit my skin, causing goosebumps to rise, and I turned toward the window, only realizing now that a rainstorm had picked up outside. I should have shaken off the stupid idea that brought me to the bed in the first place, got on my feet, and moved to close the shutters. Instead, I pulled the bed covers over my legs and lowered my back into the soft mattress.
Guided by the harsh patter of rain on the glass window and rooftops, my fingers danced to the center of my core, and my eyelids fluttered shut on their own accord.
The first R-rated scene that jumped into my memory was the second time we’d had sex after our wedding night. It was the morning after, on the kitchen counter. I’d walked in with theintention of preparing breakfast for my husband, but his sudden appearance through the doorway scrambled my thoughts, and I found myself planted on the counter, trapped between the hard wall of his chest, with only his arms bracing my back for support.
Shirt buttons popped, my mouth was ravaged, and hungry kisses were planted on every exposed part of my body. And when his erection slid into me,that part….
I encircled my index finger around my nub, shuddering when I realized I was already wet. My grip tightened on the dress enclosed in my fist, and I swallowed, slipping one finger inside me.
I gasped, receiving a corresponding thundercrack from the skies outside.
The feeling was nothing compared to having Timur inside me, but it was something—enough to make my back arch and toes curl into the sheet.
Biting down on my lips, I moved my finger, slowly thrusting in and out. My skin rippled with excitement as my mind jogged erotic memories in fast motion—one time in the showers, Timur’s mouth on my breasts, my fingers sliding over the short hair on his head, his lips on mine, my nails digging into his skin, his hot breath on my neck when he moved inside me, and the husky sound of his voice in my ears when he growled—
I stopped.
My chest heaved, and my eyes snapped open, but they stayed on the ceiling. Sudden awareness replaced the excitement I’d felt, and biting cold eliminated the warmth that flowed through my body. I wasn’t sure I was ready to come to terms yet that the sound of his voice was not just in my head. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if—
“No, don’t stop.”
—he was real.
Summoning the courage very slowly, I took my eyes off the ceiling and lifted my head high enough to see him crossing the threshold and shutting the door behind him.
In utter fright and horror, I whispered his name, “Timur?”
He didn’t say a word, just stood there, unmoving from the door, his eyes raking my naked body, scorching the crown of my head, past the flat plane of my stomach, to the curve of my hip that lay exposed from beneath the sheets. My nipples hardened under his gaze, and an intense heat charted its course through my veins.
It was him, my husband in the flesh. All six feet of him, hard and leanly muscled, clothed in a white dress shirt and black pants. Today, however, he didn’t look cool, calm, or calculating. From the ragged look in his eyes to his rolled-up sleeves, he looked like the symbol of the storm outside. A storm that was ready to drench me or blow the life out of me if it could.
Oh, God.If a person could die from embarrassment, I would have been long gone the second I confirmed his presence in the room.
“I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
So soon? With his current ghost mode status, breezing in and out of the house, I didn’t expect him at all.
I started to get up to put my clothes back on and bury the shame, but his eyes darkened, and the tick in his jaw told me not to move an inch more.
“Don’t move from there,Pchelka.Lie down and take off those fucking covers.”
It was a gruff order with the dangerous undertones of familiar desire. But it was an order, nonetheless. One I didn’t hesitate to obey.
With trembling fingers, I peeled off the covers and spread my legs wider, hearing my heart beat in my ears when chillyair touched my sensitive spot. The sensation almost made me moan, but I stifled it and kept my eyes on his face, eager to see his reaction.